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The agents in the Pega-RULES RuleSet perform
general system housecleaning and periodic processing. The
agents in this rule provide the following processing:
- System Cleaner
- System Pulse
- System Indexer
- Rule Usage Snapshot
- Static Content Cleaner
- System Work Indexer
By default, this agent runs the standard
Code-.SystemCleaner activity once each day for
housekeeping tasks, including purging older records
(instances) from log tables, any requestors that have no
activity during at least 48 hours, and any nodes that have
not responded to the pulse for 30 days.
If desired, you can add an activity similar to
Code-.SystemCleaner to another agent to purge
outdated information and recover tablespace. Make sure the
agent has access to the needed RuleSet Versions, and take
care not to purge instances that are referenced in other
Similarly, you can change the idle requestor purge
criteria to a value less than 48 hours, by overriding the
test in the called activity
Once each day, this activity calls
Log-Usage.UsageCleaner, which trims older rows
of the pr_perf_stats
table (corresponding to the
Log-Usage class). This activity starts a stored
procedure, passing a number of days to retain based on the
value of the pxProcess.pxLogUsage
RetentionPeriod property. (Through a
setting, you can set this retention
period. The default is 30 days.)
System pulse processing, defined by the activity
Code-.SystemPulse, typically occurs every 60
seconds. Rows of the
database table
(corresponding to the System-Updates-Cache)
class form the input queue. Rows of this table have one of
five record types in this table:
— Notify all nodes of rules
created, deleted, or updated since the most recent
— Records the need to
incrementally update Lucene indexes (typically indexes are created and saved only on one node of a cluster)
— Indicates that the Lookup
List Cache (LLC) — was deleted on this node, so other
nodes are to delete their own LLC. Deleting this cache is a
manual option in the System Management application.
— Indicates that a
static-content rule (from one of the Rule-File-* rule
types) was deleted, so all nodes are instructed to delete
the extracted static file.
- RUF-X — Indicates that a library was regenerated
on one node, so that other nodes are instructed to
regenerate this library.
In a multinode system, changes to the contents of the rule
cache are synchronized during the pulse operation.
Accordingly, changes to a rule that a developer saves on one
node may in some cases not be reflected in processing that
occurs on another node, for up to a minute (or another value
depending on pulse configuration). Processing on the first
node accesses the updated rule from its cache, but processing
on the second node may temporarily access a stale copy from
its cache.
To see a list of updates not yet posted by pulse processing, review the standard report System-Updates-Cache.InstanceList.All. (Use the System Management application to find more complete information.)
Pulse processing also notices updates to access groups
made on one node and makes them effective on the current
After a developer clicks the Generate
Library button
on the Packages tab of a Library
form (or equivalently selects the Compile
Libraries check box on the Import Archive form), the
system promptly extracts and compiles (on the developer's
node) the functions in that library. At the next opportunity,
system pulse processing on each other node of a multinode
cluster compiles that library, thus keeping the compiled
versions synchronized across all nodes.
The standard activity Code-.SystemIndexer
updates the search index cache that supports Find and Find
Content operations of the Advanced Search facility.
Typically, this runs every 60 seconds. Accordingly, when you
save a rule, it may not be retrieved by the
Rule content
Find operation for
up to a minute.
(You can enable or disable index processing through
Dynamic System Settings instances.)
The standard activity Code-.RuleUsageSnapshot
normally runs once every 24 hours. If the system has
run for at least an hour since startup, this activity
takes a snapshot of the rule assembly cache, writing out
instances of the Log-RuleUsage class and
Log-RuleUsage-Details class.
Data in those classes is accessed during the next system
startup, to populate the rules assembly cache. See Working
with the rules assembly cache.
The standard activity
Code-.StaticContentCleaner deletes (or
"prunes") files from the server file system
containing static content, such as images (JPG, PNG, or GIF
file type), style sheets (CSS file type) and JavaScript files
(JS file types) in the StaticContent
Normally running once an hour, this activity deletes
extracted static content that is older than NNN days, where
NNN is the value of the following setting in the
value="NNN" />
In a production system, if the prconfig.xml
file contains no http/staticcontentminpruningage
entry, the activity uses 30 days as the default retention
period, purging the static content directories and files that
are more than 30 days old. In a
non-production system (based on a production level setting of
1, 2, 3, or 4), if the prconfig.xml file contains no such
parameter, the default retention period is 3 days.
Eliminating older static content reduces the number of
files and subdirectories in the server's
directory, saving disk space and
improving file access. If a user with a specific RuleSet list
later attempts to access a static content file that was
purged, the file is re-extracted from the Rule-File-zzzz rule
in the PegaRULES database on demand.
The DateTime
on the Process page identifies the last time this activity
In a
production setting, RuleSet lists, images, CSS style sheets,
and JavaScript files — mostly derived from rules
— change only infrequently. Changing the
setting to a larger value than 3
days may improve some user response times slightly by
reducing on-demand extractions.
The SystemWorkIndexer agent periodically updates Lucene indexes to support text-based searches for work objects. Lucene indexes for work objects are created only when the dynamic system setting PegaRULES:indexwork/enabled is set to true. A check box on the Advanced tab of the Class form controls which work objects are indexed. See How to enable and control the full text search facility.
To search for work objects from the Developer portal, select Edit > Advanced Search and then select Work in the Find Content panel at the right.
Application users accessing Process Commander from the User
composite portal (or another composite portal that incorporates the @baseclass.FindWork section) can search for work objects using full-text search.