Back Forward Email Account form
Completing the Incoming Mail tab

About Email Account data instances

Tip the Incoming Mail tab of an e-mail account data instance is deprecated in version 5.3. In versions before V5.3, the Incoming Mail tab is used to configure e-mail accounts that managed incoming e-mail. The tab remains on the form to support backward compatibility, but as a best practice, use email services to manage incoming e-mail. See About the Email Accelerator.

If there is a reason your application needs to use an e-mail account rather than an e-mail service, set the Account Type key of the e-mail object to Receive .



POP3 Mail Account  
Host Identify the mail server host for incoming POP3 e-mail. You can use an IP address or a domain name.
Port Identify the TCP/IP port number for this host. The default port is 110.
Use SSL? Select to cause Process Commander to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) facilities when receiving e-mail using this POP3 mail account from this data instance.
User ID Identify the e-mail account for receiving e-mail from this host. In most cases, do not include the domain suffix part of the account ( Add the domain suffix if the Host field contains an IP address rather than a domain name and the domain suffix is required to pass the Test Connectivity test.
Password Enter a password for receiving e-mail from this account. The password value does not appear on the form.
 Test Connectivity   After you save the Email Account form, click to test access to the POP3 host and address identified on this tab. No e-mail messages are received.
IMAP Mail Account  
Host Identify a mail server host for receiving incoming IMAP e-mail.
Port Identify a TCP/IP port number for e-mail connections. The default port is 143.
Use SSL? Select to cause Process Commander to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) facilities when receiving e-mail using this IMAP mail account from this data instance.
User ID Identify the e-mail account for receiving mail from this host. Do not include the domain portion of the account (
Password Enter a password for receiving e-mail from this account. The password value does not echo on the form.
 Test Connectivity   After you save the Email Account form, click to test access to the IMAP host and address identified on this tab. No e-mail messages are received.
Work Item  
Work Class

SmartPromptIf the e-mail messages deliver work, identify the class (work type) of the work object that is created at runtime. The system automatically converts each incoming e-mail message into a new work object of the specified work type. The system saves attachments to the incoming e-mail as file attachments.

Class Model SmartPrompt(Optional) Identify a model in that Work- class, to supply default values for some properties in the work objects created from e-mail.
Batch Login  
User ID Identify the Process Commander Operator ID that the Pega-ProCom agent is to use to process incoming e-mail messages. This Operator ID appears in the work object history for system-created work objects. The Operator ID you select also determines the access control and RuleSet list of the agent that is in force when it processes incoming e-mail.
Password Enter a password for that Process Commander Operator ID.

zzz About Email Account data instances