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A Notify activity is an activity with Activity Type of Notify (on the Security tab). Such an activity when referenced in a flow, sends out correspondence, such as an e-mail message, when a flow execution creates an assignment. Typically, the system addresses correspondence to a work party identified in the work object and reports progress to that party.

For example, the standard activity named Work-.NotifyAssignee sends an e-mail message to a user who will receive the new assignment. (The activity runs when the system creates the assignment, not later when the assignment is performed.)

When editing a flow rule, you can reference notify activities in either of two equivalent ways:

Creating Notify activities

To mark an activity in a class derived from the Work- base class as a Notify task, set the Activity Type field (on the Activity form Security tab) to Notify.

Finding Notify activities

To list the Notify activities available for a work type, use the Find Content panel of the Advanced Search tool. Search for activities where the pyActivityType property value is Notify.

Definitions activity type, assignment, task
Related topics About Flow rules
Activity form — How to create activities for use in flows

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