Process Commander provides multiple
mechanisms to promote parallel processing:
- At the system level, each user session operates as
a process within a Java Virtual Machine on a node. If your
system contains multiple nodes or multiple processors and
JVMs, separate sessions can operate with true
- At the business process level, the Split-Join,
Spin-off, and Split-ForEach tasks provide a degree of
parallel processing. For example, a loan application request
flow may split into legal and financial flow executions that
can proceed independently until a later join operation
requires the two to consolidate.
- Within a single user session, connections to
external systems may operate in parallel with other
operations. For example, an activity that needs to add many
rows to an external database can use the RDB-Save method but
continue other computations (in a separate Java thread) while
the database operation is in progress. The Connect-SOAP and
similar Connect- methods also offer this form of parallel
Definitions — P