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Pegasystems offers industry-specific solution frameworks to the banking, insurance, investment, health care, and other industries to provide a head start to application development of selected business process applications.

The applications are limited and designed to facilitate further development and customization. They demonstrate the potential value of Process Commander to the business and implement common functions or capabilities that are used in a standard way throughout the industry.

For example, banking solution frameworks support the assembly of outgoing SWIFTNet messages and the parsing of incoming SWIFTNet messages. Similarly, healthcare frameworks must support industry-standard Electronic Document Interchange (EDI) protocols such as ANSI X12.

Solution frameworks used by multiple Pegasystems Inc. customers include:

For a complete list of currently available solution frameworks, contact your account executive.

Typically, a solution framework contains one application rule and one work pool. The Main Class field on the application rule identifies the work pool. Using the Application Accelerator in advanced mode, you can copy and extend the solution framework rules to begin customization and deployment.
NoteDon't confuse Pegasystems' solution frameworks described here with framework classes — an important part of every application built using Direct Capture of Objectives tools.

Definitions ACORD, application rule, EDI, framework class, Insurance Application Architecture, SWIFTNet

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