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Advanced featureUsing multiple report rules and an XML Stream rule, your application can include sophisticated charts that support two levels of drill-down. For example, you can drill down from a map of the United States to statistics for one state, and then list the items that make up one data point for the selected state.

Careful configuration is required to create and link the rules that provide this capability.

zzz Description

This facility uses two interactive charts defined by summary view rules and a list view rule for the drill-down details. The left chart provides a second-level summary of data. The right chart provides drill-down detail as columns, for a single element in the left chart. The list view report provides drill-down detail supporting a single column in the right chart.

When appropriate, each chart can contain a slider control that allows users to advance through the range of categories.

Four layouts are available for the left chart:

An XML Stream rule defines interactions and links together the three report rules. A standard activity draws the window and all elements as an Adobe Flash file, which the system sends to the user's browser.

zzz Examples

Changed rules by RuleSet and Version

To view an example of two-level drill-down charts, select View > Rules > Summary of Recently Updated by RuleSet.

The left chart summarizes rules updated today, totaled by RuleSet. Click a bar in the left chart to view the right chart. The right chart shows, for a single RuleSet, counts of rules changed today by version, as columns. Click a column in the right chart to list in a bottom panel the rules updated in that RuleSet version.

United States map

United States drill downIf you configure the United States map for the left chart, the color of each state in the United States map (marked 1) indicates the second level total; with darker colors indicating a higher total. Clicking a state shape in the map presents a column chart at the right (marked 2). The column chart provides first-level detail for the selected state.

Clicking a column in the right chart presents a table with the details that support that column (marked 3). A list view rule produces this table.

zzz Building an interactive drill-down chart

This facility requires two interactive charts defined by summary view rules, a list view rule for the lowest-level detail, and an XML Stream rule that identifies and links the elements together.

Step 1. Design

Design the interactive drill-down chart before creating rules:

Step 2. Create the list view rule

Create a list view rule for the lowest drill-down detail. Use parameters for two selection criteria. Test the list view rule.

For example, if the list view identifies the towns (of population 5,000 or more) in one county in a state, the selection criteria must accept a state code and a county name as parameters.

Step 3. Create the right chart

Create a summary view rule (without charting) for the right panel that has one Group By element and a single aggregate function, such as Sum or Total. Use a parameter for one selection criterion. (If the left chart presents the United States map, the selection criteria must be state codes.)

For example, if the right chart is to show a count of how many towns are found in each county in one state, the selection criteria can correspond to a state code, such as VA for Virginia.

Test the summary view rule.

Step 4. Create the left chart

Create a summary view rule that has one Group By element and a single aggregate function, such as Count or Total, and that uses no selection criteria that depend on parameters.

For example, the left chart can count how many towns are in each state.

Test the summary view rule.

Step 5. Create the XML Stream rule

1. Create an XML Stream rule that identifies the two summary view rules and the list view rule.

2. On the XML Source field of the XML form, enter and complete the structure presented in the example below, substituting values for the text that appears in this color. (Major elements are bolded for clarity.)

3. In the <parameters> elements, provide literal values to identify the names and values of parameters for the ShowView activity, which is called three times.

4. In the <drilldownParm> elements, identify the names of the parameters that link the left interactive chart, the right interactive chart, and the list view. The <SummaryView1> element defines the left chart.

5. Omit the <sliderEnabled> element to suppress presentation of the slider.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <className>Applies To</className>
        <!--Parameters sent to the showView activity-->
        <!--used by the criteria section-->
        <!--Parameters sent to the showView activity-->
        <!--used by the criteria section-->
    <!--map this parameter to the value selected from the summaryView above-->
    <!--Optional. If set, display this listView.-->
    <className>Applies To</className>
        <!--Parameters sent to the showView activity-->
        <!--used by the criteria section-->
    <!--map these parameters to the values selected from the summaryViews above-->
    <charttitle>Title of the chart</charttitle>
    <!-- Start and end attributes specify the colors. You can use Named colors or Hex values -->
    <!-- Example. start="0x5989c9" end="0xaa9981"-->
    <backgroundgradientcolor start="" end=""/>
      <seriescolor>Color of series. Example: 0x84A475</seriescolor>
      <title>Title of the left chart</title>
      <seriescolor>Color of series. Example: 0xFF6600</seriescolor>
      <title>Title of the second chart</title>

Step 6. Test

Call the standard activity Rule-Obj-SummaryView.displayChartsDrillDown. Provide the following input parameters:

zzz Example

This example produces a United States map as the left chart. A Java expression returns today's date for the SinceDate parameter.

<!--Parameters sent to the showView activity-->
<!--used by the criteria section-->
<value><%=strToday %></value>
<!--map this parameter the value selected from the summaryView above-->
<!--map these parameters to the value selected from the summaryViews above-->
<charttitle>Rule changes since <%=strToday%></charttitle>
<backgroundgradientcolor start="0x5989c9" end="0xaa9981"/>
<title>Rule changes by RuleSets</title>
<title>Rule changes in RuleSet</title>

zzz Notes

Your browser must have an Adobe Flash Player 9 plug-in to present interactive charts.

Flash files have a SWF file type. Standard flash files supporting this facility are stored as binary file rules with SWF as the final key part.

Definitions Flash Player, interactive chart
Related topics About Summary View rules
About List View rules
About XML Stream rules

UpReports category