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JavaServer Pages tags

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AdvancedUse the autoComplete tag to present a drop-down list of candidate text values that a user can select from for an input text box. The text values can be produced by an activity or can be on a clipboard page.

NoteThe standard HTML property rule AutoComplete incorporates an autoComplete JSP tag, and allows you to set most attributes of the autoComplete and acDataSource JSP tags as parameters. Enter an autoComplete JSP tag into hand-crafted HTML code only in special situations where the standard HTML property rule does not meet your needs.

 zzz Example

This JSP tag begins operation after the user types two input characters. It presents a drop-down list for a text box that is 50 characters wide, highlighting the characters that match user input typed in each list element. The data is retrieved by the acDataSource JSP tag.

    <pega:acDataSource name="ACDS" type="ClipboardPage"
    sourceName="ACDatasource" clientCache="false"
    searchPropertyName="Employee" displayField="EmpName"
    partialSearch="true" ignoreCase="true"
    maxResults="true" allFields="true" />

 zzz Complete syntax

In the syntax presentations below:

<pega:autoComplete name="name"
    [highlight="true|false" ]
    [size = "nn" ]
    [sendingTimeout = "nn" ]
    [delimiter = "zzz"]
    [minChars ="nn" ]
    [listingWidth = "nn"]
    [value = "value"] >
  <pega:acDataSource .... />

The name attribute is required.



name Name of this autocomplete control. You can use the keywords $THIS-NAME or $SAVE(saved variable name) as the value of this attribute.
delimiter Optional. Character or characters to use as a separator, for optional fields. If omitted, three dash characters "---" are the delimiter.
highlight Optional. "true" if the text that matches user input is to be highlighted, "false" otherwise. Defaults to "false" if omitted.
sendingTimeout Optional. An integer specifying the number of milliseconds delay before the drop-down list appears. If omitted, the default is 10 milliseconds.
size Optional. An integer specifying the width in characters of the input text box. Defaults to "50" if omitted.
typingTimeout Optional. An integer specifying the number of milliseconds delay after the user types the minimum number of characters before the autocomplete processing starts. Defaults to 10 milliseconds if omitted.
listingWidth Optional. Width of the <div > element in pixels. If omitted, zero.
minChars Optional. Number of characters the user must type or paste into the field before autocomplete processing starts. If omitted, the default is 1 character.
value Optional. Initial value that appears in the text box. You can use the keywords $THIS-VALUE, $SAVE(saved variable name) or reference a parameter with syntax in this field.
Related topics How stream processing works
acDataSource JSP tag
Harness, Section, and Flow Action forms — Adding an Autocomplete field

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