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Privileges complement the security and access control features provided by access roles and RuleSet lists, by restricting access to specific rules rather than to entire classes or RuleSet versions.
Use privileges to differentiate the capabilities of different groups of users within your application.
The privilege form defines
only the existence (name and Applies To
class) of a new privilege. It contains no other information and
conveys no capabilities by itself. By referencing privileges in
Access of Role to Object rules and in certain rules rule types
such as flows, privilege rules can affect which application
users can do what.
As users (or other requestors) work with your application, the system compares the privileges they hold with the privileges required. Users who hold any of the privileges listed may use the rule.
Use the Application Explorer or Rules by Type Explorer to list privilege rules that are available to you.
Privilege rules belong to the Security category. They are instances of the Rule-Access-Privilege rule type.