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Working with the Requirements tab

About Application rules

Use the Requirements tab to link and display requirements for the application.



Edit Links

Click to display a separate window to add to or modify the list of requirements linked to the application.

zzzSelect the Application Name.

zzzSelect the Requirement ID (rule) for the application.

Use zzz and zzzto add, modify, and delete rows in the table.

Delete All Links

Click to delete all requirements linked to the application.

Linked Requirements

Expand the section to display requirements by application name and requirement rule ID that are physically linked to a use case.  This list is used to organize documentation and generate traceability matrices.

Click a row to display the requirement rule.
All Requirements Expand the section to display all requirements by rule ID and description that are linked to the application.
Export to Excel

Click to export a list of linked requirements to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Add/Remove Columns Click Collapselocated at the right side of the Linked and All Requirements list header to filter and edit a list or search for other requirements to add to the list.

zzz About Application rules