Harness form
Complete these two optional arrays to supplement or override the standard client JavaScript scripts that support the harness form, and to supplement or override the standard Cascading Style Sheet style definitions that support the harness form.
Reference the second and third key parts of a text file rule in each array. Order is significant; the scripts and styles in files you reference on this tab have precedence over those inserted automatically.
When you save the harness rule form, Process Commander generates HTML that contains <pega:include > JSP tags, to cause stream processing to reference the text file rules. In the section rules referenced by this harness rules, you can create HTML text that references the custom styles or scripts.
For harness rules, unlike section rules of flow action rules, HTML code is always automatically generated; you cannot edit it.
Field |
Description |
Scripts | |
Script File |
Optional. Enter the File Name and File Type key parts of a text file rule that contains source text for JavaScript scripts referenced in the HTML of this harness, separated by a period. The system assumes webwb is the first key part. A script file can use any scripting language supported by Internet Explorer such as VBScript or JavaScript. For example, enter mortgage.js to reference a script file named navigation.js, stored in the text file rule named webwb.mortgage.js. You can enter more than one script file reference. Order is significant. To reorder the rows of this array, hold the mouse pointer over a number. Click and drag to another row. To duplicate or move a row, hold the mouse pointer over a number. Or, right-click to access a context menu with Cut, Copy, and Insert options. |
Style Sheets | |
Style |
Optional. This array is provided primarily for backwards compatibility with versions before V5.4. Enter the File Name and File Type key parts of a text file rule that contains source text for cascading style sheets (CSS) referenced in the HTML code of this harness, separated by a backslash. For example, css/mystyles. As a best practice, a preferred means of applying styles is through a skin rule and the associated styles, maintained through the Application Skin wizard, leaving this array blank. The skin approach assures that the styles apply uniformly to all work object harness rules throughout your application. By default, many styles referenced in harness forms are defined in a standard text file rule named webwb.workform.css. An empty style sheet (containing many style definitions as comments) is named webwb.user_work_form.css. You can override the webwb.user_work_form.css text file rule with another containing style definitions of your own design, being careful to retain the same style names as the standard. See Understanding CSS styles. Values you enter in this field affect the appearance of only this harness. To apply a set of custom styles to all harness rules associated with an application, use a skin rule, associated with a portal rule. See About Skin rules and About the Application Skin wizard. To find the text file rule at runtime, the system uses
webwb is the first key part. For example,
enter user_work_form_blue.css to reference a style file
named user_work_form_blue.css, stored in the text file
rule named webwb.user_work_form_blue.css. In the Text
File form, set the RelativePath value to
You can enter more than one style sheet reference. Order is significant; the bottom style sheet is applied last. |
If you leave these two arrays blank, the resulting HTML code references the JavaScript functions and CSS styles produced by the standard HTML Fragment named WorkFormStandard, which includes other HTML Fragments that include standard text file rules: