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Completing the External Mapping tab

About Activity rules

zzzThe External Mapping tab is meaningful only for external classes (classes created by the Connector and Metadata accelerator and linked by a Database Table data instance to a table in an external database.)

Ordinarily, this tab is completed by the accelerator and no changes are required. In all other cases, leave this tab blank.



External Table Column Mapping

Leave blank unless this class is an external class that represents a table in an external database (generated by the Connector and Metadata Accelerator).

Optional. Fields in this section map the property rules generated for the class rule to the columns in the external table. See About generating connectors with the Connector and Metadata accelerator.

Column Name

For generated class rules, the name of a column in the external table.

Property Name

For generated class rules, the name of the property rule that represents the table column in the Column Name field.

zzz About Class rules