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When you use the Connector and Metadata Accelerator to
generate connector rules, the accelerator generates a specific
set of items for connectors of each type, as appropriate for
that protocol or technology.
For external SQL databases, the wizard creates an external class and properties, rather than a connector rule.
The accelerator generates the following items for EJB,
Java, SOAP, and dotNET:
- Class and property rules to support the objects or data
described in the WSDL, Java class, or EJB.
- One connector rule for each method or operation
- One connector activity for each connector. For SQL, the
generated activities interact directly with the external
database through the Obj- methods and do not need to invoke
a connector rule to connect to the external table.
For SQL connections, the accelerator generates the
- One database table data object
(Data-Admin-DB-Table) and one class rule that
together represent the external table. The Process
Commander class rule is known as an external class because
the data it represents is not stored in the PegaRULES
database — it is stored in the external table
represented by the class rule.
- A property rule for each column you specify. The
property rule is mapped to the column it represents on the
Advanced tab of the Class form
of the class that the property applies to.
- Activities that use the Obj- methods to retrieve,
update, or delete records through the external class, which
means directly from the external table. Because these
activities can interact directly with the external table
represented by the external class rule, there's no need
for a connector rule. These activities are known by their
purpose: browse (list), open, save, and delete.
For more information about which rules are generated, see
the Pega Developer Network document
Creating Connectors with the Connector and
Metadata Accelerator.
Starting the accelerator
Select Application> New > Connector from
the menu to start the accelerator.
Alternatively, you can use a link from the Integration
- Return to the home page.
- Click
to access
the Integration slice.
- Under Accelerators, select Connector and Metadata
Click the Help button (
) on any form for help about that
Resuming the accelerator
This wizard creates a work object with prefix
. To find open
wizard work objects, select the
Developer portal menu option Open > Wizards in
Progress > All Wizards.
Prerequisites that apply to all connector
Before you use the Connector and Metadata Accelerator to
generate connector rules, follow these steps:
- Identify the RuleSet and version to contain the
generated rules — classes, properties, connector
rules, activities, and so on.
- Identify or create the following class rules to use for
the generated rules.
- An abstract class rule — typically one that
inherits from the Data- base class —
for the accelerator to use as the container or base for
the generated items with the exception of the connector
activities. (If you do not create this class before you
begin, the accelerator can create one for you.)
- A concrete class rule for the connector activities.
If you plan to call the connector from a flow, choose a
class that inherits from the Work- base
class, so that the connector activities can be called
directly from an Integrator task.
- Review the class rules you created or identified.
Confirm that they allow subclassing and allow rules to be
added to the RuleSet you identified
Prerequisites for specific connector
Additional setup tasks vary according to the type of
connector you want to create. Following are checklists for
each connector type.
For EJB connectors
- Create a JNDI server data instance
(Data-Admin-Connect-JNDIServer class) that
identifies the EJB container of the bean you want to
connect to. If this JNDI server requires authentication,
obtain a user name and password.
- Obtain copies of these Java classes:
- The appropriate EJB interface classes. If your EJB
connector is designed to communicate with the EJB
through Remote Method Invocation (RMI), you need the
remote and remote home interface classes. If your EJB connect is to
communicate through the local interface, you need the
local and local home interface classes.
- All encapsulated Java classes (Java classes that
are referred to as a property by the interface
- When you are using the remote interface and the EJB
is deployed in WebSphere, the container-generated stub
- Package the Java classes into a .jar file.
- Add the .jar file on the Process Commander class paths.
For instructions, see the Pega Developer Network article PRKB-20931
About the Process
Commander class paths.
For Java connectors (Rule-Connect-Java):
- Obtain a copy of the Java class file.
- Add the Java class to the Process Commander class
paths. For instructions, For help with this step, see Pega
Developer network article
PRKB-20931 About the Process Commander class
For .NET and SOAP connectors:
When you use the accelerator to create .NET and SOAP
services, specify the URL of the WSDL document that describes
the Web service you want to connect to.
Before you begin, determine the URL of the appropriate
WSDL file.
For SQL:
- In the external database, create or identify a database
user account for Process Commander access.
- Make the appropriate JDBC driver available to the
application server running Process Commander. Then create a
JDBC data source for the database in the application
- Create a database name instance
(Data-Admin-DB-Name) that identifies the
external database
If errors occur during processing, the wizard may create a
connect rule with availability set to Draft/No
In this case, review and save the generated rules to isolate
the source of the error; change the availability to
before testing.
Tools, accelerators, and wizards