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Editing in Visio — Ticket tasks

About Flow rules


Use the Ticket shape (Ticket) to mark the starting point for exceptions that may arise at any point in the flow, such as a cancellation. The ticket is a label for a point in a flow, much like a programming "GOTO" destination.

An activity executing anywhere in your entire Process Commander application can set or raise this ticket by executing the Obj-Set-Tickets method with this ticket name as a parameter.

A raised ticket causes the system to search for any executing flow (on the same or a different work object) that contains this ticket. If found, processing stops on that flow promptly, and resumes at the ticket point.

Adding a ticket to the flow

1. Drag a ticket shape from the Visio template to the flow and drop it.

2. Complete the Ticket Properties panel when it appears.




SmartPromptSelect a ticket or type in a ticket name.

TipCreating ticket rules is recommended but not required. You can enter here a name that does not correspond to a ticket rule.

3. Click  Apply  .

4. Add at least connector shape that originates from the ticket task. Don't use the ticket shape as the destination or "head" end of any connector. Two or more tickets can flow into a common other task.


Processing that is connected to a ticket shape can include utility tasks, assignments, notify tasks, and so on to respond to the exception, error flow or event. For example, if a mortgage application is withdrawn after some, but not all, of the application processing is completed, a mortgage processing flow can:


zzzIf a task shape has more than one ticket shape connected into it, then processing continues with that task only after all tickets are set.

Related topicsObj-Set-Tickets method

zzz About Flow rules