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About Service Level rules

A service level rule has the two key parts:




Select Service Level from the Process category.

Applies To

SmartPrompt is availableIdentify the class to which this service level applies. Typically this is a subclass of the Work- base class or Assign- base class.

The classes you can enter here may depend on the RuleSet you select. On the Restrictions tab of the Class form, a class rule may limit rules applying to that class to belong to one of an explicit list of RuleSets.

Service Level

Choose a name for this service level rule. Begin the name with an alphabetic character, and use only alphanumeric and dash characters.

zzzYou can override a standard service level rule in your application to fit the needs of your application. However, overriding, rather than choosing a distinct Service Level name, may in some cases make it difficult to detect and debug whether the standard rule or the rule you created is executing. For example, if you override the standard rule Work-.NotifyManager in your application RuleSet version Alpha:04-01-23 with a rule Alpha-Finance-Order.NotifyManager, the Pega-ProCom agent may nonetheless execute the standard rule rather than your rule as desired, unless this agent has an appropriate access group that provides access to Alpha:04-01-23.

zzzChoose both key parts of a service level rule carefully, especially on Process Commander systems hosting multiple applications. Normally, the Pega-ProCom agent evaluates service level rules. This agent typically has access to RuleSets from all applications on the entire system.
When two service level rules in different RuleSets are both named Delta-Work-Object-.Platinum (for example), the Pega-ProCom agent finds and executes onlyone of the two, the one that appears in the RuleSet that is higher on the agent's RuleSet list.

For general information about the New form, see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information on the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Rule resolution

Full rule resolution applies to service level rules. When searching for service level rules, the system:

zzz About Service Level rules