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About Service CORBA rules


The Service CORBA rules run in a background requestor that uses the APP data instance of the Data-Admin-Requestor class to sign on.

Edit the prconfig.xml file to cause the Object Request Broker to start when the system starts (on an eligible server node). Set the initCORBA value to true. This change takes effect the next time you start Process Commander.

Create a Service Package data instance before creating Service CORBA rules.

Deployment and client development

When you create a Service CORBA rule, you declare a customer package, class, and method name for the instance. After all the Service CORBA rules in one package are defined, use a Service Package data instance generate and download an IDL (Interface Definition Language) file. This file defines the interface between Process Commander and the other system, and permits communication between the object and the outside world.

You (and interface users) can then download the IDL file using a browser in a single HTTP transaction. At runtime, the external system sends the package, class, and method names as part of a CORBA request so that Process Commander can look up the corresponding Rule-Service-CORBA instance and execute the specified activity.

The development process involves designing the interface, deploying the service, and then interacting with the CORBA service as necessary. For clients to interact with the Process Commander CORBA services, they create client-side proxy objects using the IDL, and start remote methods on the corresponding server-side objects in Process Commander:

  1. Complete the Service and Parameters tabs to design the interface.
  2. Use the Exceptions tab to define data returned when a fatal processing error is encountered.
  3. Use the Service Package data instance to help deploy the service.

Debugging with the Tracer

You can trace the operation of a Service CORBA rule and the service activity it calls. See Tracer tool  — Tracing services.

Performance statistics

Through changes the prlogging.xml file, you can obtain performance statistics on the execution of services. See Performance tool — Statistics for services.

Related topics About Service Package data instances  
About Requestor data instances

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