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About Service Email rules

You can use the Email Accelerator to create an e-mail service rule.

To create a Service Email rule using the rule form, enter three key parts:



Type Select Service Email from the Integration-Services category.
Service Package

SmartPromptIdentify a service package name, the key to a service package data name.
OldThe service package EmailDefault, included in some releases, is not an initial data instance in V5.5+. You can create a service package with that name. This name has no special significance.

Service Class Enter a class name, used only to group related service rules. Start the name with a letter and use only letters and digits.
Method Name Enter a name for this rule. Begin the name with a letter and use only letters, digits, or dashes.

For general information about the New form, see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information about the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Rule resolution

When searching for an e-mail service rule, the system filters candidate rules based on the requestor's RuleSet list of RuleSets and versions. Because all email services share the EmailDefault service package, they all have the same access group, RuleSet list, and so on unless they run as authenticated users.

E-mail service rules cannot be qualified by circumstance or time.

Older Service Email rules

OLDYour upgraded V5.5 system may contain Service Email rules created in earlier versions, where the Service Package or Service Class fields are blank. These rules remain valid, although in new rules these two key parts may not be blank.

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