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Step 5: Check for Language Packs

This form appears if you are translating to a new language and selected languages in Step 4 that do not have installed language packs. The form does not appear when you run the Verify Existing Translations process.

Use this form to indicate whether you will use a Pegasystems language pack in your localization project. These packs provide translated values for user interface rules in standard Process Commander RuleSets (Pega-ProCom, for instance).

Select one of the following:

NoteIf you are localizing multiple languages that do not have language packs, the selection you make in this form applies to all the languages. If you want to make separate choices, go back to step 4 and remove the languages that do not use the selection in this form. Create a new wizard item for the languages you removed.

Click Cancel to resolve the wizard item.

Click Back to return to the previous step. You can also go back by clicking zzz next to a completed step in the list on the left side of the Localization wizard.

Click Next to proceed to the next step.

Related topics Language pack

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