This form appears when you select Application > Localize > List Translations in Progress, then open the Wizards in progress list and select an Import <language>Translations item in the Instructions column.
Select a RuleSet and version from the drop-down list. If you pick a non-localized RuleSet, the wizard will create a new localized RuleSet and version for you (or import to an existing localized RuleSet, if it already exists). If a RuleSet version exists but does not appear in the list, it is locked. In this case, either unlock it or use another version.
For more information about using RuleSet versioning during the localization development process, see Using the wizard in your localization project.
The RuleSets that you selected in Step 1 and any that you added in Step 6 appear. Select the version in the RuleSets to which you want to save these rules.
Before you import the file, extract it and open the Excel spreadsheet. You can delete rows that you do not want to import, such as rows that contain no translated values, or that are already translated in packages from other translators. Verify that all the columns are present. Also, read any comments that the translator entered in the Comments column.
Save the spreadsheet and zip the package after you finish.
Click Cancel to resolve the wizard item.
Click Back to return to Step 7 in the main wizard.
Click Next to proceed to the next step.