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When initially installed, V5.5 contains around seventy database table (Data-Admin-DB-Table) data instances, linked to 66 database tables and 7 views in the PegaRULES database.

For example, the database table instance named Data-Admin-Operator-ID is linked to the pr_operators relational table. The database table instance named Data-Admin- references a different relational table pr_data, a catch-all table that contains rows for instances of concrete classes derived from Data- that are not contained in other tables.

This table lists the PegaRULES database tables and an example of a concrete class that maps to that table. No classes are initially mapped to the pr_other table, the default catch-all table for instances of classes not explicitly mapped.

 zzz Assign- tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Assign- pr_assign Tables for assignments
Assign-External pr_assign Tables for assignments
Assign-WorkBasket pc_assign_workbasket Tables for assignments
Assign-Worklist pc_assign_worklist Tables for assignments

 zzz Data- tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Data- pr_data Tables for data objects
Data-Admin- pr_data_admin Tables for data objects
Data-Admin-Connect- pi_data_connect Tables for data objects
Data-Admin-DB- pr4_base Table and column basics
Data-Admin-Operator-ID pr_operators Tables for data objects
Data-Assignment-Summary pcv4_assignment_summary Views and indexes
Data-Assignment-WBSummary pcv4_assignmentwb_summary Views and indexes
Data-Autotest-Result-Case pr_data_autotest Tables for data objects
Data-Autotest-Result-Suite pr_data_autotest Tables for data objects
Data-Circumstance-Duplicates pwbv4_circumstance_duplicates Views and indexes
Data-Rule-Locking pwbv4_rule_locking Views and indexes
Data-Rule-Overrides pwbv4_rule_overrides Views and indexes
Data-Rule-Summary pr4_rule_vw Views and indexes
Data-UniqueID pc_data_uniqueid Tables for data objects
Data-Work-History pcv4_work_history Views and indexes
Data-WorkAttach- pc_data_workattach Tables for data objects

 zzz History- tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

History- pr_history Tables for history
History-Data- pr_history_data Tables for history
History-PegaAccel pc_history_work Tables for history
History-Rule pr4_history_rule Tables for history
History-Work- pc_history_work Tables for history

 zzz Index- tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Index- pr_index Link- and Index- tables
Index-AccessGroupRoles pr_indexaccessgrouproles Link- and Index- tables
Index-AccessGroupWorkPools pr_indexaccessgroupwkpools Link- and Index- tables
Index-AssignmentSkills pr_indexassignmentskills Link- and Index- tables
Index-Circumstance-Definition pr_index_circumstance-def Link- and Index- tables
Index-CustomFields pr_index_customfields Link- and Index- tables
Index-FlowRef pc_index_flowref Link- and Index- tables
Index-OperatorSkills pr_index_operatorskills Link- and Index- tables
Index-Reference pr_index_reference Link- and Index- tables
Index-UpdateAccessUsers pc_index_accel Link- and Index- tables
Index-Warning pr_index_warnings Link- and Index- tables
Index-WorkPartyURI pc_index_workparty Link- and Index- tables

 zzz Link- tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Link- pr_link Link- and Index- tables
Link-Attachment pc_link_attachment Link- and Index- tables
Link-Folder pc_link_folder Link- and Index- tables
Link-Requirement pr_link_usecase Link- and Index- tables
Link-UseCase pr_link_usecase Link- and Index- tables

 zzz Log- tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Log- pr_log System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
Log-DataAccessAudit pr_log_dataaccessaudit System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
Log-License-Parameters pr_license_parameters System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
Log-License-Usage-Daily pr_daily_usage System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
Log-License-Usage-Hourly pr_hourly_usage System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
Log-License-Usage-Summary pr_usage_summary System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
Log-RuleUsage pr4_log_rule_usage System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
Log-RuleUsage-Details pr4_log_rule_usage_details System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
Log-System- pr_log_system (not used) System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
Log-Usage pr_perf_stats System, Log, and miscellaneous tables

 zzz Rule- tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Rule- pr4_rule Tables for rules
Rule-File- pr4_rule_file Tables for rules
Rule-Generated-Activity pr4_rule_sysgen Tables for rules
Rule-Obj-Class pr4_base Tables for data objects
Rule-Obj-FieldValue pr4_fieldvalue Tables for rules
Rule-Obj-Flow pr4_rule_flow Tables for rules
Rule-Obj-Property pr4_rule_property Tables for rules
Rule-System-Generated-Access pr4_rule_sysgen Tables for rules

 zzz System- tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

System-CachedConclusion pr4_rule_sysgen Tables for rules
System-Declare-Changes pr_sys_decchg System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
System-Locks pr_sys_locks System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
System-Queue- pr_sys_queues System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
System-Requestor-Context pr_sys_context System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
System-SavedPages pr_page_store System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
System-Status-Nodes pr_sys_statusnodes System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
System-Updates-Cache pr_sys_updatescache System, Log, and miscellaneous tables
System-User- pr_sys_user System, Log, and miscellaneous tables

 zzz Work- and miscellaneous tables

Database Table Instance

PegaRULES table

Additional information

Work- pc_work Tables for work objects
PegaAccel- pc_work_accel Tables for work objects
  pegaam_alert Part of AES. Unused unless AES is installed.
  pegaam_log_usage Part of AES. Unused unless AES is installed.
(none) pr_other Table of last resort.
Related topics Working with the PegaRULES database
Working with the PegaRULES database — Common data management tasks

zzzAbout Database Table data instances
Up Atlas — Initial Data Instances