The Development landing page contains the Recent Actions, Checked-Out Rules, Weekly Rule Updates, and Developer Activity gadgets.
This page contains four gadgets. Click the tab to select a gadget. PROJ-228
Recent Actions
The Recent Action gadget shows a history of current and past changes to rules, derived from History-Rule records. The initial display is reverse chronological, with most recent history records listed first.
Click the label in any column heading to sort the display by that column. Click the down arrow (
) next to the column heading to restrict the display to show only rows with a specific value, or rows that contain a specific text string in the value. (Such filtering is not available for the When Action Taken column.)
For items in the Applies To, Rule Name, RuleSet, and Operator columns, select the item to open the current version of the underlying rule.
The listing has these columns.
Column heading
When Action Taken
Days, hours, or minutes ago that the action was completed.
Last Action
Action, such as Save, SaveAs, CheckIn, or Delete.
Rule Type
Common name for the type of the rule (if any) that was involved in the action.
Applies To
First key part of the rule, if this key part is an Applies To class.
Rule Name
Key part of the rule.
RuleSet version of the rule.
Operator Name
Name of the operator who performed the action.
Checked-Out Rules gadget
Use this gadget to identify rules that you have (or someone else has) checked out in the current application, or in all applications.
Select a radio button to control whether the listing shows only rules checked out from the current application, or from all applications. To view rules checked out by another operator, select the operator name using the autocomplete facility (
) and click Run. (To view rules checked out by anyone, leave the Checked Out By field blank.)
Click the label in the column heading to sort the display by that column. Click the down arrow (
) next to the column heading to restrict the display to show only rows with a specific value, or rows that contain a specific text string in the value. (Such filtering is not available for the When Checked Out column.)
For items in the Applies To, Rule Name, RuleSet, and Checked Out By columns, select the item to open the current version of the underlying rule.
You can use this display to restore a rule that was deleted earlier. See How to recover a deleted rule.
The listing has these columns:
Column heading
When Checked Out
Days, hours, or minutes ago that the check-out occurred
Rule Type
Common name for the type of the rule (if any) that was involved in the action.
Applies To
First key part of the rule, if this key part is an Applies To class.
Rule Name
Key part of the rule.
RuleSet version of the rule.
Checked Out By
Name of the operator who has this rule checked out.
You can't perform batch check-ins from this display; use the Show Checked Out facility (
). See Working with the Show Checked Out report and Bulk Check-in.
Weekly Rule Updates gadget
The Weekly Rule Updates gadget presents a line chart showing the number of rules changed (includes adds, updates, and deletes) in the RuleSets that make up the current application, for the past eight weeks.
Each line corresponds to a RuleSet. Below the chart, the numerical counts appear in tabular form. Use the slider control to adjust which weeks appear.
Click a value in the table to drill down to a list of the individual rules in that RuleSet that were changed during the selected period. In the drill-down display, click on an item in the Update Operator, Rule Name, or RuleSet columns to open the item's underlying rule form.
Click Back to return to the tabular counts.
Developer Activity gadget
The Developer Activity gadget shows counts of the number of check-ins of rules for the current application, by Operator ID. This information is derived from History-Rule- records.
Click any count or total to drill down to a list of the individual rules. In the detailed display, select a row to open a window and see detailed information about the rule (for example, the date it was last updated). Click Open to open the checked-in rule, or History to see the rule history.
Column heading
Operator ID
Count of rules checked in by that operator for the week beginning that day.
Total of rules checked in during the past eight weeks.
On the Developer Activity gadget, click Back to return to the tabular counts.
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