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Organization category
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Use this data class to define the business days and holidays for an organization. Calendar data instances can be referenced in organization, workbasket, and Operator ID data instances, and in service level rules.

CautionIf your application and business operations depend on business day calculations, be sure to create calendar instances in advance for each future year (and every district, country, or jurisdiction) needed by your application. Business calendar functions such as isBusinessDay() fail with a Java exception when a date more than one year in the future is referenced and no calendar instance is found. OLSOK 12/9/05 SR-1432 B-17007

Where referenced

You can associate a calendar with operators (in the Operator ID data instances), organizations, and workbaskets.

References to calendars identify only the first key part. The system uses a context-determined date as the (starting) second key part.

Maintained by

Administrators maintain calendar data instances. To access calendar instances on your system, select
> Org & Security >Tools > Calendars. BYRNB 2/24/10


The Data-Admin-Calendar class contains calendar data instances. They are part of the Organization category.

Initial data instances Atlas — Initial Calendar data instances03-02 C-297 ZELEK

Organization category
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