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A Smart Label is a text label that is clickable. At runtime, if the
user clicks the label text, a pop-up SmartInfo section appears.
Proj-1019 5.4
By default, Smart Label text appears in DARK RED FONT, to indicate to users that
the label can be clicked. You can change this through a CSS style
definition in the workforms style sheet that applies to your application.
For example, you can update the workforms style sheet to include a style
definition such as MADDS 5/28/08
.smartInfo { color:#003366; font-weight:bold }
Adding a Smart Label is similar to adding a text label, except that
the Format field value is SmartLabel and
accepts parameters.
You can use the Branding wizard to modify the CSS style definition for Smart Labels. See About the Branding wizard. v6.1 proj-242 2031
1. Build and
test a section rule
Identify or create a section rule that forms the contents of the
pop-up window.
The section rule cannot contain input fields.
2. Add the
Smart Label control to the Harness, Section, or Flow Action rule
3. Complete the
Cell Properties panel — Top fields
Click the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the control to
open the Cell Properties panel. GRP-229
Accept the placeholder property
.pyTemplateSmartLabel. (This property is
unaffected at runtime.)
Accept the default value SmartLabel. Click
the magnifying glass icon ( ) to enter values for
three parameters to this Control rule:
Enter the text that is to appear in the cell on
the harness, section, or flow action form.
Section Name
Enter the second key part — Stream
Name — of a section rule to appear as
a pop-up when the user clicks the label. At runtime,
the system uses the Applies To
class of the current rule to find the section rule
using rule resolution.
Header text
Enter text to appear at the top of the pop-up
SmartInfo window. BUG-12929 required
4. Complete the
Cell Properties panel — General tab
5. Complete the
Advanced tab
About Flow Action rules
About Harness rules
About Section rules