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Preserving delegations and favorites in a ZIP archive

Although the System-User-MyRules class is not derived from the Data- base class, you can include the System-User-MyRules class in the Data Classes to Include array on the Content tab of a product rule. When an archive produced from the product rule is imported into a destination Process Commander system, the delegations are present on the destination. The access group and Operator ID instances referenced in the System-User-MyRules instances must be present in the destination system.

Report preferences

If you create a favorites link to a list view report in the Monitor Activity workspace, and the list view rule allows criteria to be changed (through the Customize List Criteria link), a Save Preferences button appears. Your criteria value for that report — when executed through the favorites link — can saved with the favorites details in the System-User-MyRules instance. GRP-923

For summary view reports, the Save Preferences button appears only when the rule presents an interactive chart and also allows criteria to be changed. The link is Customize Summary Criteria.

See WorkManager portal — Working in the Monitor Activity workspace.

Database table

By default, the system saves instances of the System-User-MyRules class as rows in the pr_sys_user table in the PegaRULES database.

Definitionsaccess group, delegated rule, handle

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