Using this help system |
Application Developer Help edition: July 3, 2012 for PRPC Version 6.3.
This help system provides reference and guidance information for application developers. Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send them to:[email protected].
Field labels on rule and data forms are presented in a Green Font.
Keywords and values from selection lists appear in This Font
References to specific standard rules and initial data instances appear like pyDefault.
Button labels appear in This Format.
Menu items appear in This > Format.
HTML, JavaScript, and Java code snippets
appear in this font, with a gray background.
Use the Contents, Index, or Search buttons to find a topic of interest.
Enter only a word or phrase into the Search box. Note that a dash character is a word break. Searching for "Rule-Portal" returns all the topics containing "Rule" and all the topics containing "Portal".
To print a long help topic, click in the topic area and then click the Print link on the help top bar. For some Internet Explorer configurations, you must select the Options tab and then the Only the selected frame radio button.
Use these controls to navigate within this help system:
Element |
Results |
Return to the previously displayed topic. | |
Following use of only, click to redisplay a topic viewed later than this topic. | |
Open a topic that is parent to or more general than this topic. | |
Return to the home page of the Help System. | |
Expand to display the contents of this heading. | |
Collapse to hide the contents of this heading. | |
Open an external WWW Web page in a new window. Requires WWW access. Pegasystems does not endorse the content of external sites. | |
Tab Label | Identifies a tab on a rule form or data instance form. |
Tab Label | Identifies a landing page tab, or a tab on a user or manager portal. |
These icons in help text characterize the information that follows.
Symbol |
Description |
Caution. Use this feature carefully. | |
Advanced feature, one that requires technical skills or introduces constraints or risks into the application. | |
Note | |
Tip, shortcut, or best practice. | |
Links to definitions topics. | |
Links to reference, concepts, and guidance topics. | |
Links to topics describing standard rules or initially installed data instances. | |
A SmartPrompt is available on this field. Press the Down Arrow key to access the list. | |
This field supports autocomplete processing. Type one or a few letters and press the Down Arrow key to access the list. | |
A combo box or dropdown is available for this field. Click the control to access the list. | |
Information or instructions that apply only to an earlier release of PRPC. | |
Identifies an article on the PDN. |
Although Pegasystems Inc. strives for accuracy in its publications, any publication may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. This help system may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. Pegasystems Inc. may make improvements and/or changes in the information described herein at any time.
Any references in this help system to non-Pegasystems Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not serve as an endorsement of these Web sites. The materials at these Web sites are not part of the material for Pegasystems products, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.
Information concerning non-Pegasystems products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements, or other publicly available sources. Address questions on non-Pegasystems products to the suppliers of those products.
This help system contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. Examples include the names of people, companies, and productions. These are fictitious, and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is coincidental.