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A SmartPrompt text box, used on many rule and data forms, makes a dynamic selection list available for fast user entry. Optionally, SmartPrompt processing can be added to fields on user forms.

Completing SmartPrompt fields

A triangle on the lower right corner (SmartPrompt) identifies text boxes with this capability. To complete a SmartPrompt box, place the insertion point inside the box and press the Down Arrow key. Double-click to select one choice from the list.

If the SmartPrompt list displays rule keys, those in the current class context appear first, followed by those in the immediate parent of the current class context, and so on up the class hierarchy. Rules in the @baseclass class appear last.

To select a property name (in the class determined by your current context, or an ancestor class of that class), type a period before pressing the Down Arrow key.

In this help system, a SmartPrompt symbol marks the form fields where SmartPrompt is available.

TipSmartPrompt is designed for rule forms (forms created for developers to use within the Designer Studio). As a best practice, use the Dynamic Select control rather than SmartPrompt controls in harnesses, sections, and flow actions that support user forms. This approach offers better performance.

Definitions Dynamic Select control
Related topics How to complete rule and data form fields
Identifying parts of rule and data forms

UpDefinitions — S