Decisioning category — Tools page
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The Tools page provides access to the PMML Import Wizard. The wizard allows you to import third party regression and mining models that are represented in PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) Version 4.0 format.
This landing page is available to users who have access to the Decision Strategy Manager application. For additional information, see the PDN article About the Decision Strategy Manager.
The Import process is completed in four steps.
- Upload data
- Review PMML
- Review data transformation
- Review results
Step 1: Upload data
In this step, you upload the PMML file and define where the rules resulting from the transformation process should be created.
- In the Upload Data section, use the Browse button to select the third party model. The validity of the third party model in terms of being handled by the wizard is based on content, and not file extension. Typically, third party models are stored with a XML or PMML file extension.
- In the Select RuleSet Information section, enter the details necessary to define where to create the rules that translate the third party model in PRPC. Select the RuleSet Name, RuleSet Version, and Base Class.
- Click Next>> to move to the next step or click Cancel to exit the wizard.
Step 2: Review PMML
In this step, you review information about the data dictionary and regression model.
- The Data Dictionary section displays the data fields in the third party model's data dictionary. This information is based on the DataField child elements of the Data Dictionary element.
- The Transformation Dictionary section displays the derived fields in the third party model's transformation dictionary. This information is based on the DerivedField chid elements of the Transformation Dictionary element.
- Depending on the type of model represented by the corresponding PMML element, the last section displays model information: Model Name, Algorithm Name, Function Name and Target Field Name.
- If he PMML element is MiningModel, this information is display in a Mining Model section.
- If the PPML element is RegressionModel the information displays in a Regression Model section.
- Click Next>> to move to the next step or click Back to go back to the previous step.
Step 3: Review data transformation
In this step you are provided with information about the rules to be generated by running the data transformation process.
- The Scoreboard Model section displays details about the scorecard rule.
- The Properties section displays details about the property rules.
- The Map Values section displays details about the map value rules.
- Rules already present in the defined base class are not selected by default. However, you should inspect the usage of these rules before overwriting them. You can check or uncheck the rules that are going to be created in the PMML import process using the checkbox in the Generate column.
- Click Next>> to move to the next step or click Back to go back to the previous step.
Step 4: Review results
In this final step, you review the rules generated by running the data transformation process. During this step, if applicable, you can delete the set of PRPC rules generated by running the process, by clicking Remove Generated Rules.
Click Finish to finish the process, or click Back to go back to the previous step.
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