![Forward](../../../../forwardarrow2.gif) Integration category — Definitions page
Specifications and Implementations tabs
Definitions |
Use the tabs on this landing page to:
- Review and track the current application's integration-related specifications
- Add, copy, delete, and document integration-related specifications
- Associate an existing integration implementation with a specification
- Create a new integration implementation, and optionally associate it with a specification
The Specifications tab lists all specifications in the current application that have a type identified as Integration
. Such specifications are those that are intended to be satisfied by the ways the application uses to:
- Access data from other systems
- Respond to requests from other systems
The Implementations tab lists the application's existing implementations that provide integration with other systems.
Using the Specifications tab
On this tab you can:
- Review and update the specifications intended to be satisfied by integration implementations. Click the name of a specification to open it in the edit form, where you can update its details.
- Create a new specification, by clicking the Add Specification link. The edit form opens, and you can fill in the specification's information and requirements. See Edit Specification window for details on completing the form.
- Copy an existing specification, so that you can make a new specification based on an existing one. To copy an existing specification, in the right hand column of that specification's row, click Actions > Copy. The edit form opens, so that you can update the information for the copy and save it. See Edit Specification window for details on completing the form when copying a specification.
- Associate an integration implementation with a specification, by clicking the name of the specification and using the Implementations tab in the edit form to select the integration implementation.
- Delete a specification, by clicking Actions > Delete in the right hand column of that specification's row. The specification is deleted from the system.
- Document a specification, by clicking Actions > Document in the right hand column of that specification's row. The system generates a Microsoft Word document with the information from the specification, opens Microsoft Word on your local system, and loads the generated document. In the Microsoft Word window, you can save a copy of the generated document to your local system, or print it. Note: Before clicking Document, close any other Word sessions that you might have opened from PRPC. The system can open only one Microsoft Word session for editing at the same time.
Using the Implementations tab
Use this tab to review and update the integration implementations created for the application.
To edit an existing implementation, click its name. The appropriate rule form opens, and you can update its details.
To create a new implementation, click the Add Integration link and select the integration type (Connector or Service). The system starts the accelerator that corresponds with your choice:
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