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Working with specifications



Use this window to:

To save your updates, click OK; to cancel, click Cancel.

When updates in this window are saved, the underlying specification is updated. When copying a specification, the system saves a new specification (does a Save As), according to the selections in the Edit Specification window. Note: Comments are not copied from the original specification to the copy.

When using the Discovery Map view to view the properties of a process step, the fields, controls, and tabs used in this window correspond to those used in the Specification Properties for the process step.




Name of this specification.

When defining a new specification or copying one, enter a name. When viewing an existing specification, you can click the displayed name to open the rule form for the underlying specification rule.

When reviewing or editing a process-step-related specification using the Discovery Map view, this field is labeled Specification Name.

Short Description

Optional. Descriptive text label for the specification. (This text is used in the Short Description field of the corresponding specification rule form. See Creating good Descriptions and Short Descriptions.)


Type of the specification. The standard specification types are:

  • Correspondence
  • Entire flow
  • Human Based Step
  • Integration
  • Report
  • Starting screen
  • Sub Process
  • Automated Step

For a process-step-related specification, the value for the Type reflects the nature of the process step. When creating, editing, or copying such a specification, you can select one of the following values: Human Based Step (the default for a process step), Integration, Sub Process, Automated Step.

When you are creating, editing, or copying a specification not related to a process step (such as a report specification), Type defaults to the appropriate value related to your current context in the Designer Studio, and is read-only. For example, when adding a specification from the Correspondence landing page, the Type field is read-only and displays Correspondence. When you click Actions > Copy on a report specification, the Type field is read-only and displays Report.


Select the implementation status of this specification. This field answers the question about what development state is this specification currently in (for example, whether it is deferred or pending information). The Profile Explorer's progress bar and the Business Analyst portal use this field to reflect the overall implementation progress of the application.

The standard choices are New (the default), Complete, Deferred, Open, Pending Info, Withdrawn.


Name of the application in which this specification is defined. This field is displayed only when reviewing or editing a process-step-related specification using the Discovery Map view.

Case Type

Name of the case type with which this specification is associated.


RuleSet Version

RuleSet and RuleSet version for this specification.

If the RuleSet is locked, is displayed.

You can save a new specification to any unlocked RuleSet in the current application stack (the current application and its built-on applications).


  Description tab

  Details tab

  Implementations tab

  Requirements tab

  Fields tab

  Attachments tab

  Comments tab

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