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Working with the PegaRULES database


The schema for the PegaRULES database can grow and evolve through a variety of tools and automatic changes. This topic identifies the types and sources of these changes.

Automatic changes are possible only if the primary account or the administrative account on the Database data instance that defines the connection to the PegaRULES database has the ALTER TABLE and CREATE TABLE capabilities. Often these capabilities are present on development systems but not present on production systems (as determined by the production level value in the System data instance.) In addition, certain capabilities require that the user hold specific privileges, and that the value of the Dynamic System Setting named database/AutoDBSchemaChanges be set to true.

Initial schema

Column additions

Additional tables

Changes introduced by the Import wizard

Viewing a log of schema changes

Definitions Column Populator utility, exposed property, Storage Stream
Related topics How to expose a property as a database column
About Database Table data instances
Standard rules Atlas — Initial database tables

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