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The action section (Work-.pyActionArea) is the area on a perform user form that displays the flow action. The user performs the task or selects another action that can be performed in the current case. See Section form — Presenting flow actions. The action with the highest likelihood appears as the default option on the left side of the section header.

The header also displays other possible actions in a menu bar named Other Actions (or Actions in a review user form).The top of the menu displays connector flow actions (), and then local flow actions (). Beneath the list of flow actions is a submenu called Add Work, which lets the user start a supporting process () or add a subcase () — the choices depend upon your case management configuration.

In V5.X, other possible flow actions appear in a drop-down list — connector flow actions are listed above local flow actions.

Selecting actions in review forms

Review forms present a list of assignments (Work-.pyAssignmentListGadget) related to the current case and those of its subcases. The list's header section (Work-.pyAssignmentListHeader) contains an Actions menu, which is similar to the Other Actions menu. The Actions menu uses a pxLink control that references the Work-.pyWorkActionsReview navigation rule. The user can select an item to invoke flow actions or other work in the current case.

Definitions flow action, local flow action, likelihood, section
Related topics About flow actions

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