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A graphical representation promoted by the Business Process Management Initiative of the Object Management Group, BPMN provides a graphical notation for expressing business processes in a business process diagram.

The BPMN specification also defines the relationships between the graphical elements and process execution languages such as BPEL. For more information on BPMN, seeWWW

Process Modeler and BPMN

Introduced with V6.2, Process Modeler presents shapes that are closer to BPMN standards than the shapes in PRPC's default Visio template. Analysts who are familiar with BPMN notation may prefer to create and edit flows using Process Modeler.

Visio stencils and BPMN

Developers who prefer to use Visio for flow editing can select the BPMN or PegaBPMN template in the Template field of the New dialog for a flow. The BPMN template is closest in appearance to standard Business Process Modeling Notation shapes. The PegaBPMN template uses similar, but more colorful, shapes.

( Prior to V6.1, the PegaBPMN stencil was named BPMN.)

How to set stencils

NoteNote the following:
Modifying BPMN shape notations

You can modify the notation for some shapes (see below) in the BPMN stencil. Select the shape in the flow, right-click, and select a notation from the menu. The notations affect only the appearance of the shape, they do not affect execution.

Decision shape

Parallel Exclusive
Inclusive Complex

Start shape

Message Timer

End shape


Ticket shape

Message Timer
  Error Cancel


Many constructs in BPMN notation have different names than PRPC normally uses for the same concept:

Related topicsFlow form — Process Modeler basics
Flows — Completing the New dialog box
Designer Studio — Setting your preferences

Up Definitions — B