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The pencil icon (Pencil) allows you to open a rule or data instance or to start an open authoring session for HTML, XML, or Java. (Some refer to this as the crayon button or edit button.)

Pencil button and text box

When you click a pencil icon that is next to a text box it opens a rule or data instance referenced in the text box.

Property StreamFor example, the Property rule form references a control rule:

Click the pencil to open the control rule referenced in the Property Stream field. If you can access more than one control rule named CheckBoxSelect, the system opens the one it finds through rule resolution.

The text box contains only one key part. If the object referenced has multiple key parts, the system uses other facts from your current context for the other key parts. When the rule or data instance opens, review the key, RuleSet, and version to confirm that this is the object you want to inspect or update.

Keep in mind that the rule referenced at runtime for a user depends on that user's RuleSet list, which may differ from your RuleSet list when you use this button.

Pencil button and textarea

Text AreaIf the pencil icon labels a text area rather than a text box, click to start your workstation HTML editor, XML editor or Java editor, using open authoring. For example, the textarea on the HTML tab of the HTML form accepts source HTML code:

Click the pencil icon at the top left of the tab to start your workstation HTML editor and export the contents of the text area to it.

Definitions open authoring
Related topics How to complete rule and data form fields

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