Back ForwardHow to detect when total rule assembly time exceeds a threshold (PEGA0037 alert)

The alert indicates that PRPC took an unusually long time to assemble a rule. The total time is equal to the elapsed Java assembly plus compile process times.

Alert log message

Rule assembly process has exceeded the threshold of 400 ms: 1,206 ms. Details: Total Rule assembly process:
           ELAPSED time = 1,206;
           CPU time = 562;
Delta Java assembly process:
           Delta Assembly ELAPSED time = 716; 
           Delta Assembly CPU time = 78;
Delta Compile process:
            Delta Compile ELAPSED time = 490;                                       Delta Compile CPU time = 484;
Assembled class name = com.pegarules.generated.activity.ra_action_web_start_a02afe13a3c738; Assembled class size = 7,523;
Rules count = 1;
Personal RuleSet = ;
AccessGroup = PRPC:Unauthenticated;
Application = PegaRULES 05.05;

Modifying the alert threshold setting

You can modify the default total assembly time threshold setting of 400 milliseconds in the alerts section of the prconfig.xml file as follows:

  1. Open the prconfig.xml file and update these alerts section:

<env name = “alerts/fua/assemblytime/threshold" value="400" />

The threshold value is a positive integer value in milliseconds.
  1. Stop and restart the server.

As an alternative to the prconfig.xml file, you can use Dynamic System Settings to configure your application.
See How to create or update a prconfig setting.

Next steps

Here are likely reasons for the alert and suggestions on how to address them:

See the PDN PDN article 21079 How to reduce rules assembly processing in a production system

Definitions alert log, prconfig.xml file, rules assembly, rule cache, static assembler
Related topics Working with the Rules Assembly cache
Understanding alerts

UpSysAdmin category