Back Forward How to detect that the size of a saved BLOB column exceeds a threshold (PEGA0040 alert)

A PEGA0040 alert occurs when a write operation saves a single Storage Stream BLOB (pzPVStream property value) that is larger in bytes than the threshold value. The write operation is not cancelled, but the alert indicates that memory performance of your system may be affected by large property values.

Alert log message

The alert identifies the pzInsKey that was written, and its size in bytes.

Wrote blob to database with compressed size 3158486 pzInsKey: RULE-FILE-BINARY HELPINDEX PXHELPINDEXBINARY!ZIP #20100215T113526.121 GMT

Modifying the alert settings

You can modify the default settings in the alerts section of the prconfig.xml file, as follows:

  1. Open the prconfig.xml file and update these alerts sections:

<env name = “alerts/database/blobsizewritten/enabled" value="true"/>

The enabled value is a boolean. To turn off the alert, change the value to "false".

<env name = “alerts/database/blobsizewritten/threshold" value="3"/>

The threshold value is a positive integer in megabytes (default is 3). This is checked against the compressed size of the BLOB being written.
  1. Stop and restart the server.

As an alternative to the prconfig.xml file, you can use Dynamic System Settings to configure your application.
See How to create or update a prconfig setting.

Next steps

Examine the record being written (pzInsKey) and determine if the entire BLOB is needed. Usually, you can break the data into additional logical segments (as dictated by your application).

Related PDN articles

Consult these PDN PDNarticles:

Definitions alert log, prconfig.xml file, Storage Stream, schema
Related topics Understanding alerts
How to detect that the size of a BLOB column read from the PegaRULES database exceeds a threshold (PEGA0039 alert)
How to detect when total BLOB column sizes in an a single HTTP interaction exceed a threshold (PEGA0004 alert)

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