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A System Settings rule records settings for application-related runtime settings that may differ in production systems from development systems.

NoteDon't confuse system settings rules (Rule-Admin-System-Settings rule type) with Dynamic Systems Settings data instances (Data-Admin-System-Settings) or setting rules (Rule-Access-Setting rule type, used with security). They are related; in certain cases, the data instances can override values supplied in the corresponding rule.

Each system setting rule is first defined in a standard RuleSet, such as Pega-ProCom. Often, the standard rule contains values appropriate for your system and no action is required. However, when necessary, you can copy the standard rule and then update the Settings tab with values appropriate for your system.


Use the Rules Explorer to list the System Settings rules that are available to you.


System Settings rules belong to the SysAdmin category. They are instances of the Rule-Admin-System-Settings rule type.

Standard rules Atlas — Standard system setting rules

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