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Adding paragraphs to place rich text in a layout cell or header

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By referencing a paragraph rule (Rule-HTML-Paragraph rule type), a cell in the layout can present rich text, which can include the results of JSP tags and stream processing. Unlike a label, display text in a paragraph can be longer than 64 characters. (You can add paragraphs to headers as well as to cells.)

Follow these instructions to present the paragraph, with contents defined by a paragraph rule. Optionally, you can identify a pop-up section to appear when users hold the mouse pointer over the paragraph cell.

Use a paragraph rather than a label to present the formatted text provided by a paragraph rule.

 1. Drag and drop the Paragraph control

 2. Complete the Cell Properties panel — Top field

 3. Complete the Cell Properties panel — General tab

 4. Complete the Cell Properties panel — Advanced tab

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