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Each time you save a harness, PRPC generates source HTML from your entries on the other tabs of this form. Complete the fields on this tab to control how the HTML is generated.

You can review but not directly alter the HTML text on this tab.



Enable Client Side Validation?

Select to cause PRPC to immediately validate the format of user input to dates, integers, and other fields within the browser window when focus leaves the form field, before a user submits the form.

This feature can affect input of dates, times, text areas, and selected other properties, in sections of the user form other than the Take Action section. This feature depends on the control associated with the property. See client-side format validation.

A similar checkbox appears on the Flow Action form's HTML tab. It controls the client-side validation for the form presented by that flow action.

NoteThis feature is effective only for Harness forms that use the SmartFrames version of the Layout tab and use only JSP tags, no directives.

TipSelect when users are to enter dates, times, integers, or text through typing rather than through selection. Workstation-level validation can detect and mark invalid input earlier, and may consume less network traffic and bandwidth. Do not select if the user form presented by this harness contains only checkboxes, selection lists, combo boxes, and other input widgets that do not require typing.

Advanced featureStandard client-side validation scripts are in the text file rule named webwb.CSValid.js; to allow for localization, the corresponding error messages are in the HTML fragment rule named CSValid. You can add custom client-side validation scripts or error messages on an application-wide by overriding the HTML fragment rule named UserWorkForm, which is included in the fragment WorkFormStandard, which in turn is included in the HTML code for every user form.

Enable Expression Calculation?

Select to enable automatic recomputation and redisplay of all target properties of a Declare Expression rules that appear on the user form, and automatic evaluation of constraints rules associated with properties on this form, immediately after the user touches an input field. This feature is sometimes known as "calculated values".

You can select this box if the user form defined by this rule:

  • Displays one or more properties computed by Declare Expressions rules using forward chaining, or one or more properties involved in constraints rules
  • Allows users to input a property value that affects the computed property (directly through forward chaining) or the constraints

Computation occurs (and the system updates the display) as user focus leaves the input field for a property. See More about Declare Expression rules.

For example, the form may contain a total that sums values entered into an array.

To enable expression calculation in the action section (Work-pyActionArea), select this checkbox and a similar but separate checkbox appears on the Flow Action form's HTML tab. Both checkboxes must be selected.

that field controls automatic expression calculation in the Take Action area when the user selects the corresponding flow action.

Portlet compliant?

Select to generate portlet-compliant HTML that can be displayed by a portal server. Portlet-compliant HTML meets the requirements of Java Specification Request 168, which defines the portlet standard.

A portlet-compliant harness form can be sent to an external portal server through Service Portlet rules and displayed in a portlet window. A harness is considered portlet-compliant only when its sections are also portlet-compliant.

The standard harness Work-.SimpleConfirm provides an example of portlet-compliant form.


Select to indicate that at runtime, presentation of this harness will be localized based on field value rules in a language-specific RuleSet.

For each locale, you must add field value rules in such a RuleSet to support presentation of this section. Typically, use the Localization wizard and the Rules Inspector tool to identify, create, and maintain these field value rules. See:

This checkbox is available only when Generate For is set to JSP.

Advanced featureWhen Localize? is selected, the generated HTML calls the PublicAPI Java function getLocalizedTextForString() at runtime to convert text in the pyCaption, pyButtonLabel, pyActionLabel, pyActionPrompt and other properties to a locale-specific value.


SmartPrompt This checkbox always appears "grayed-out" and is not available for selection. This field is active on other user interface rule forms (Flow Action, Paragraph, control and Section) to indicate that you have designed and implemented your own HTML rules that meet your accessibility requirements.

NoteHarness forms always auto-generate HTML code and are considered accessible by the system. These rules are included in the calculation of accessibility levels displayed in the Accessibility Report. See Using the Accessibility report.

Browser Support

SmartPromptIndicates which browser types can correctly process the HTML code from this rule. Because the HTML code from harnesses is auto-generated, the generated code includes only those tags that can be displayed across the browsers indicated in this field. Typically, this value is All Supported Browsers. For the exact list of supported browsers and versions, consult the Platform Support Guide, available on the PDN.

For harnesses last saved in a V5.3 or earlier system, the value of this field is IE6 only.

The Browser Compatibility Report evaluates this field when determining what fractions of the rules in your application provide cross-browser support. See Using the Browser Compatibility report.

Client RunTime Version

Select to control which JavaScript files are included in the generated harness. In most cases, accept the default value.

  • 06-02— The default for a new harness. Improves initial page render time by moving all JavaScript to the end of the document.
  • 05-04+ — To reduce the runtime workstation memory requirements from this harness form, do not include three JavaScript files: DynamicSelect, SmartPrompt, and PRWBSScripts.js) in generated HTML code for this harness. Either these three are not needed by any control, section, or other parts of the form, or the generated HTML code for the control, section, or other parts of the form incorporates one or more of these three scripts directly.
  • 05-03 — This harness does not meet the above criteria for 05-04+ setting. (Deprecated; use only when necessary)

Tip Choosing the 06-02 setting when possible improves performance by reducing the quantity of JavaScript code required on the client workstation at runtime, potentially reducing the amount of workstation memory required by the browser.

If your application includes custom versions of the standard controls DynamicSelect, SmartPromptforClass, SmartPromptForDataClass, or other SmartPromptzzz rules, select 05-03.

Advanced featureSelecting 05-04+ excludes the legacy scripts file prscripts.js from the generated HTML code. Choose 05-03 if your harness references custom controls that use scripts in the prscripts.js file.

Advanced featureWhen entering HTML source code directly into the HTML tab of a control (or similar form), you can minimize the size of the resulting HTML document with the <pega:onlyonce > and <pega:static > tags.

Frame Source

Advanced featureOptional. Enter an HTML <FRAMESET > element if you want to present the harness as a set of frames.


Optional. Enter an alphanumeric ID for this layout for use in JavaScript functions.

HTML Source

Read-only. At runtime, PRPC uses stream processing to evaluate the JSP tags and in this source HTML (which reference properties and other rules such as HTML fragment rules, HTML rules, controls, and sections) in the context of current clipboard contents and static files.

PRPC then returns the resulting HTML to the browser on the client workstation.

Definitions active property, open authoring
Related topics JavaServer Pages tags
How stream processing works

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