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Editing in Visio — Creating and editing screen flows

About Flows

A flow that presents a user with a sequence of forms to complete is known as a screen flow. This specialized type of flows provides an effective way to simplify input processing and present questions or input fields in a series of related forms. Users can change an answer to an earlier question by backing up in the flow; and, in some situations, can complete steps in any order.

 Task shapes allowed


 Completing the Start shape panel

 Completing the Assignment shape panel

 Completing connectors

 Call or branch to subprocess

 Decision shapes and fork shapes

 Split For Each shapes

 Buttons for Back, Next, Submit, and Cancel



Definitions screen flow, subprocess
Related topics Flows — Editing the Call or Branch to Subprocess shape properties
Flows — Editing the Decision task shape properties
Flows — Editing in Visio — Fork tasks
Flows — Editing the Split For Each shape properties

UpAbout Flows