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Use a map value to create a table of number, text, or date ranges that converts one or two input values, such as latitude and longitude numbers, into a calculated result value, such as a city name. Map value rules greatly simplify decisions based on ranges of one or two inputs. Use a map value to record decisions based on one or two ranges of an input value. A map value uses a one- or two-dimensional table to derive a result.

Through cascading — where one map value calls another — map values can provide an output value based on three, four, or more inputs.

Complete the Input tab before the Matrix tab. Optionally, to restrict the possible results to one of a small known list of literal constants, complete the Results tab before the Matrix tab.

Where referenced

Rules of five types can reference map values:


Use the Application Explorer to access the map values that apply to work types in your application. Use the Rules Explorer to list all the map values available to you.


After initial development and testing, selected map values can be maintained by line business managers rather than by application developers. The Matrix tab of the Map Value form provides managers access to the fields most often updated.

TipFor each map value in your application, consider which business changes might require rule updates, and whether to delegate the rule to non-developers who then can make such updates directly. See How to build for change.


Map values are part of the Decision category. A map value is an instance of the Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type.

Related topics How to unit test a map value
Standard rules Atlas — Standard map values

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