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Completing the Content tab — Entering trend details

About Summary View rules

The system can count instances that fall within a time interval based on the value of a DateTime property.


For example, the standard property @baseclass.pxCreateDateTime records the date and time that an object was first saved into the PegaRULES database. The standard summary view rule Work-.ArrivalsPastEightWeeks employs this feature, counting how many work items (in the current work pool) were created in each of the past 8 weeks.

To access this trend report, click the link Weekly process creation by work type in the Analyze Process Quality area of the Monitor Activity workspace.

Similarly, you can create a summary view trend report on the Assign-Worklist class can count the number of assignments created today, yesterday, the day before, and so on. This example is for seven days, with Today as the start value and 6 as the Go back value.

Completing the Trend Definition form

To define trend fields:

  1. Leave the Field field blank.
  2. Click the Details button (Details) to access the pop-up Trend Definition form.

Click  Apply   when done. The Details button changes to to indicate that the Trend Definition form is completed.



Trend Reporting  

Choose an interval, Range (buckets) or Expression. Choose:

  • Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, or Daily — For fixed intervals.
  • Range — You can determine the ending point of a series of past time intervals, in units of days, weeks, calendar months or calendar quarters.
  • Expression — Enter an expression to define break points. If the expression results in a boolean value, enter a comparison.

Weeks correspond to seven-day intervals starting on a weekday that you specify. Months correspond to calendar months, not 30-day periods.

 Use default  

Click to enter a default list of intervals. You can modify the intervals and the captions.

Select a Property

SmartPromptSelect a DateTime property to be the basis of trend intervals.


SmartPromptIdentify the a past or future date that is to be the latest date for the report contents.

Trend Unit

If you chose Range as the Trend field value, select Day, Week, Month, or Quarter as the unit of aggregation.

Start of Week

If you choose Week for the Trend field, indicate which day the week starts on.

Enable Auto Caption

Select to derive the captions of each time interval on the starting date value. If not selected, you can type labels for each caption in the array.

Select Caption Type

If the Enable Auto Caption box is selected, select a date format. Choose Custom as the date format to enter a Java date pattern as the date format.


If the Enable Auto Caption box is selected, select Upper Boundary Only, Upper and Lower Boundary, or Lower Boundary Only as the locus of captions.

  This array controls column headings and range break points. Enter up to 30 rows.

This column appears only when Enable Auto Caption is not selected. Enter text to label the column that contains the most recent values first. Text in the second row of this array labels the column with the next most recent values, and so on.


This column of integer values appears only when you select Range for the Trend field.

Enter an ascending sequence of positive integers such as 1, 2, 3, or 30, 60, 90 or 4, 10, 100. Each value marks the inclusive endpoint of an interval, where the units are indicated in the Trend Unit field.

For example, if you enter 1, 2, 3, 10 in the top four rows of this array and the Trend Unit value is Weeks, at runtime the leftmost bucket will contain results for the rows in which the DateTime property is greater than 0 weeks old and less than or equal to 1 week old (based on the Starting value). The fourth bucket will contain results for the rows in which the DateTime property value is greater than 3 weeks old but less than or equal to 10 weeks old. (In this example, rows for which the DateTime property value is more than 10 weeks old may not affect the computation, but may appear nonetheless on the drill-down details.)


NoteInternally, PRPC stores DateTime values in Coordinated Universal Time format, informally known as UTC. For reporting purposes, the system converts internal values to the time zone of the current operator as recorded in the Operator ID data instance. This means, for example, that a work item that was resolved on Monday (by an operator working in one time zone) can appear in a report to be resolved on Tuesday (in a report presented to an operator in a different time zone).

Counts, averages, and other statistics that depend on the user's time zone will naturally vary from user to user, if they have different time zones recorded in the Operator ID instance. The physical location of the users, the time zone of the PRPC server, and the location or time zone of the last update operator are not relevant.

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