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TipIn V6.X, you can meet many reporting requirements through report definitions rather than through summary view rules. Report definition rules provide more flexible and powerful customization and personalization from the run-time report display, and are recommended for reports created in V6.X. See About Report Definitions and Working with the Report Viewer.


Use the Summary View rule form to define a simple custom or personal query. This rule generates HTML that provides an attractive, custom interactive display or chart.

As a best practice, developers and business managers create summary view rules indirectly, through guided processing provided by the Report Wizard. Developers can also define reports directly by completing the Summary View form.


Working directly with the Summary View form, developers can create a report for any class — internal or external.

From their Designer Studio, developers can define summary view reports for classes derived from the Rule-, Data-, Work-, Assign-, System-, and Log- base classes using the V5 Report wizard.

From the Monitor Activity workspace of the WorkManager portal, managers can define summary view reports for classes derived from the Work- or Assign- base classes using the Report wizard.



Summary view rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-SummaryView rule type. They are part of the Reports category.

Related topics About the V5 Report wizard
Standard rules Atlas — Standard summary view rules

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