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Completing the Validate tab

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The Validate tab relates the to-be-evaluated properties and their corresponding validation settings in a row-column matrix structure. Complete this tab to define validation conditions for one or more properties.

Specify the properties in the first column (under the Property heading). Then for each property, use the fields and controls in the other columns to specify defined sets of validation conditions that the system applies to the property. By default, there is a set named Default Validation. Additional columns are displayed if input-qualified validation conditions are specified.

Best practice: Aim to use no more than fifty (50) rows and ten (10) columns on this tab. If you need to specify more than that, create another validate rule to use in the Additional Validation fields.

When the system runs the validate rule, it first evaluates the validation conditions defined for the first property in the list, then it evaluates the validation settings for the second property, and so on. When a property is found to be invalid, if no further validate actions are specified (for example, if Continue Validation is not selected in the condition details and nothing is specified for the Also Execute or Additional Validation fields), the system ends its evaluation.

 Expanding and collapsing details

 Input-qualified validation

 Validation results

 Specifying the properties to be validated

 Fields and controls in the Default Validation column

 Fields and controls in value-qualified validation columns

 Setting validation conditions

Up About Validate rules