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Completing the Parse tab

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Use the Parse tab to identify the normal form of a text value and to list the values that the normal form will replace.

After you save the Parse Normalize form, click the Run toolbar button (Run) to test the rule. Complete a pop-up dialog by pasting or typing in source text, Then execute the rule to see the result.

OldFor Parse Normalize rules created and last saved in releases before V5.4, the layout of this tab differs slightly, but such rules operate as described below. If you update or copy such older rules, the tab changes to the V5.4 format.

Text Replacement




Add rowEnter zero or more rows to define search-and-replace operations on the source text value. Order is significant.

Look For

Enter a text value to search for in the source text string. To include one or more leading or trailing space characters, surround the search text string with double quotes. (Use only spaces and characters with printable glyphs; you can't use \z notation in this field.)

Whole Word

Select if substitution of the normal form for a text entry on this list is to occur only at word boundaries, including white space (tabs, spaces), line termination, or string termination.

For example, if the list contains lack and the source text contains blackstone, substitution does not occur when this box is checked.

Ignore Case

Select to match text in the source string with list entries regardless of case, so that Here matches HERE and hErE.

Replace with

Enter a replacement value for a match. To include one or more leading or trailing space characters, surround the search text string with double quotes. (Use only spaces and characters with printable glyphs; you can't use \z notation in this field.)

Text Cleanup

Optionally, specify additional operations to be applied to the result of the search-and-replacement operations defined in the above array.



Text Cleanup  
Leading Spaces

Select to delete any leading space characters from the result.

Trailing Spaces

Select to delete any trailing space characters from the result.

Spaces Between Words

Select to delete all space characters except leading and training spaces.

Tabs, Newlines, Carriage Returns

Select to delete tab characters, newline characters, and carriage return characters.

Numeric Digits

Select to delete all digit characters 0 to 9.

All Punctuation

Select to delete punctuation characters, such as comma, period, and dash. (All characters other than alphabetic characters, digits, and white space are treated as punctuation.)

Case Conversion  
Conversion Options


  • Don't Convert Case — No case conversion changes
  • Uppercase All Text
  • Lowercase All Text
  • Convert to Proper Case — Convert the first alphabetic letter of each word to uppercase; other consecutive letters to lowercase.

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