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Select a Question Mode from the options offered. Depending on your selection, further fields appear.

Mode selected

Additional fields

  • Answer Layout — The options are:
    • Question above, answer below
    • Question and answer adjacent to each other
  • Display Header — (Required) Provide the text the user sees, such as "Top Five Preferences".
  • Property Type — Select the format in which the user provides the response. Depending on your choice, further fields appear. The options are
    • Single Value — a text entry field. Add a row for each field that appears, and in each row specify:
      • Answer ID — the ID of this answer option.
      • When — Optional. Select a When rule that governs whether this answer appears.
      • Display Value — the field label.
      • Value — The value of the option. This is the value that gets copied to the clipboard when the form is submitted.
      • Property Name — Select the property to connect to this option.
      • Type — The options are Text and Date.
    • Value List or Value Group — A list of options for providing answers
      • Value List or Value Group — Required. Select the Value List or Value Group to use with this answer.
      • Data Type — Required. Select either Text or Date.
      • Add a row for each answer option, and for each row provide:
        • Answer ID — The ID of this answer option.
        • When — Optional. Select a When rule that governs whether this answer appears.
        • Display Value — the field label.
        • Value — The value of the option. This is the value that gets copied to the clipboard when the form is submitted.
Check Boxes
  • Answer Layout — The options are:
    • Question above, answer below
    • Question and answer adjacent to each other
  • Display Header — (Required) Provide the text the user sees, such as "Top Five Preferences".
  • Score Evaluation Type — Determines how the score for this question is set in the clipboard, whether separately for each answer or cumulatively. The options are
    • Survey — Individual Score
    • Quiz — Total Score

In the grid, add a row for each checkbox that appears. Set the values for each item:

  • Answer ID — Required. The ID for this answer.
  • When — Optional. Select a When rule that governs whether this answer appears.
  • Display Value — The checkbox label.
  • Value — the value of this option. This is the value that gets copied to the clipboard when the button is clicked.
  • Score — If you have established a scoring system for the survey's questions, the value for this answer goes here.
  • Selected — Select this option to have the checkbox selected when the user reaches this question. Only one radio button in the group can be selected.
Radio Buttons
  • Answer Layout — The options are:
    • Question above, answer below
    • Question and answer adjacent to each other
  • Property Type — Depending on your selection, further fields appear:
    • No Property Mapping — In the Radio Button Row Details section, add a row for each set of radio buttons the user can work with to answer the question. For each row, provide:
      • Answer ID — the ID of this answer.
      • When — Optional. Select a When rule that governs whether this answer appears.
      • Display Value — The label for this radio button series.
      • Value — The value that gets copied to the clipboard when the button is clicked.
      • Default — To have this button appear selected, choose Select. The user can un-select it. To have the button appear un-selected, choose the blank option.
    • Single Value -In the Radio Button Row Details section, add a row for each set of radio buttons the user can work with to answer the question. For each row, provide:
      • Answer ID — the ID of this answer.
      • When — Optional. Select a When rule that governs whether this answer appears.
      • Display Value — The radio button label.
      • Value — The value that gets copied to the clipboard when the button is clicked.
      • Type — Select Text or Date.
      • Property Name — Select the property that the value selected for this row of buttons sets.
      • Default — To have this button appear selected, choose Select. The user can un-select it. To have the button appear un-selected, choose the blank option.
    • Value List or Value Group
      In the Data Type field, select Text or Date (required field).
      In the Value List or Value Group field, select the Value List or Value Group to use with this answer.
      In the Radio Button Row Details section, ad a row for each set of radio buttons the user can work with the answer the question. For each row, provide:
      • Answer ID — the ID of this answer.
      • When — Optional. Select a When rule that governs whether this answer appears.
      • Display Value — The label for this radio button series.
      • Value — The value that gets copied to the clipboard when the button is clicked.
      • Default — To have this button appear selected, choose Select. The user can un-select it. To have the button appear un-selected, choose the blank option.
  • Radio Button Header Details. These properties control the column headers in the display of radio buttons. A question may have answer options of "Poor", "Average", "Good", and "Very Good", or something similar, and here is where you set them. Add and populate a row for each column
    • Label — The column label.
    • Value — The value that gets passed to the clipboard when a radio button in this column is selected.
    • Score — The score passed to the clipboard when a radio button in this column is selected.

The system dynamically creates the entries in the menu from a value group, depending on the settings you specify:

  • Value Group — Use SmartPrompt to locate and select the value group that provides values for this answer.
  • Table Class — Select the class for the table from the options available. The properties of the selected class become options when you are mapping properties to columns in the display.
  • Columns- Add a row to the Columns grid for each column you want in the Answers display. For each column provide the required information:
    • Column Label: The label that appears at the top of the column.
    • Column Property: Select the property that the column represents.
  • Rows — Add a row to the Rows grid for each row you want in the Answers display. For each row provide:
    • Answer Label: Required — The label that appears at the head of the row.
    • Answer Row ID — (Optional) A unique identifier for the row.

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