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cautionThis tab is only available if the portal type is set to Classic or Fixed on the Skins tab.

Complete this tab to define:





logo_metalOptional. Enter a file name, a period and the file type (corresponding to the second and third key parts) of a binary file rule to identify an image that appears in the upper left corner of the navigation panel. Rule resolution assumes the first key part is webwb.

The default Pegasystems logo is 81 pixels wide and 46 pixels tall, and is contained in the standard binary file rule named webwb.logo_metal.gif.

If the Relative Path field of the binary file rule is not blank, enter that path before the file name, for example:


Click the magnifying glass icon () to start the Image Catalog tool (a pop-up version of the Image Library landing page). This tool allows you to search for an image and preview its appearance.

NoteFor best results, create two binary file rules, a base image — for example ourlogo.gif — and an alternate image named ourlogo_on.gif, to appear at runtime when the mouse pointer is over the image (corresponding to the JavaScript onBlur event). Reference the base image in this field.

NoteIf you change the image associated with a binary file rule, or override a binary file rule, users may not see the new image at runtime until they clear the cache of their browser, or until after an expiration period — commonly 24 hours — passes.

Leave this field blank if you want no logo to appear.


Optional. Enter ToolTip text to appear when a user holds the mouse pointer over the logo image.

Help Url

Optional. Enter the root topic or home page of a help system or Web site associated with this portal. For the normal Application Developer help home page, enter procomhelpmain.htm.

If the root topic is a file within the Tomcat server (or another application server hosting your system), enter a relative path and file name. If the root topic is saved elsewhere, enter a full URL starting with http://.

When users click the Help link on the navigation panel, PRPC uses the value in this field as a parameter to the ShowHelp() JavaScript function (defined in the text file rule named webwb.framesetscript.js).

Show Launch

Select to include the Launch link in the logo area. The Launch link opens another desktop window and starts another Thread (in the same user session).

Show Logoff

Select to include the Log off link in the logo area.

NoteIf not selected, make sure that the application or the portal offers users another link, button, or facility that calls the standard activity Code-Security.LogOff, with parameter pzAuth set to guest. For example, to configure log off in an anchor, use the following target in an HTML anchor tag:

ServerContext + pyActivity= Code-Security.LogOff

where ServerContext is the servlet container context, for example prweb/PRServlet.

For other customizations, see How to customize log-off processing.

Show Application Selector

This field is meaningful only for portal rules with User as the Role on the Skins tab.

Select to display the work pool selector in the navigation panel. If not selected, users associated with this portal rule can use only the work pool name marked as default on their access group instance.

Select this checkbox if this portal is used by people who will use the Monitor Activity workspace (or a similar facility that calls standard Monitor Activity reports). Because reports in the Monitor Activity workspace present work items from a single selected work pool name, specifying Show Application Selector provides those people with the ability to choose the appropriate work pool (application) before requesting the Monitor Activity reports.

OldIn PRPC releases before Version 5.1, the work pool selector was known as the application selector.

Include HTML Fragments



Narrow Pane

Advanced featureOptional. Select an HTML fragment rule to include in the navigation panel, in the left portion of the portal window. For example, a fragment can provide JavaScript functions used in multiple custom gadgets in the navigation panel, or redefine styles.

NoteTo add a visible element to the navigation pane (the right side of the portal window), use a gadget — not an HTML fragment rule referenced here.

Wide Pane

Advanced featureOptional. Select an HTML fragment rule to include in the workspace, in the right portion of the portal window. For example, the fragment can provide JavaScript functions used in (multiple) custom gadgets in the navigation panel, or redefine styles.

NoteTo add a visible element to the navigation pane (the right side of the portal window), use a gadget — not an HTML fragment rule referenced here.

Exit Options



Exit Options

For portal rules that specify User as the Role and Fixed as the Type, or Developer as the Role and Classic as the Type on the Skins tab, these fields control two preferences.

For portal rules with Developer as the Role and Fixed as the Type, these settings are not visible.

Warn on Exiting

Select to display a warning message when exiting the system. (This setting affects only User and Classic portals, not composite portals. )

Warn when data has changed

Select to display a warning message when closing a form that contains inputs not saved or submitted. (This setting affects only User and Classic portals, not composite portals.)

Portal Preferences



Preferences Click to set initial View preferences for users of this portal rule. See Designer Studio — Setting your preferences. (You can't alter these initial preferences if this portal rule is not available for update.)
Enable Client Log Leave blank. Reserved.
Operator cannot override

Check to prevent users of this portal from updating the initial preferences defined by the Portal Preferences button.





Select to indicate that user presentation of this portal may be localized based on field value rules in a language-specific RuleSet. This capability supports portal rules for users and managers (such as the standard portal rules WorkManager and WorkUser), not portals for developers.

Download User OCX Plug-ins



Download user OCX on load of portal ?

Select in most cases, to cause Windows to download certain ActiveX controls when this portal is used at runtime on a workstation that lacks the ActiveX controls. When selected, at runtime Windows downloads the controls listed in the HTML fragment UserOCXReferences. Your application can override this fragment to provide a different list of controls. See Understanding ActiveX controls and PRPC.

Clear if this portal rule will support users who need no PRPC ActiveX controls, or who use workstations where all the PRPC ActiveX controls they need are preinstalled.

Developer Options



Menu XML Stream

SmartPromptOptional. Leave blank unless the Role field on the Skins tab is set to Developer and the Type field is set to Fixed.

Select the Stream Name key part of an XML Stream rule that defines the menu labels and contents for this portal. (This rule must have @baseclass as the Applies To key part and Menus as the XML Type key part).

If blank, the portal defined by this rule presents no menus at runtime.

Menu HTML Fragment (Optional)

Advanced featureOptional. Identify an HTML fragment rule that contains JavaScript functions to support onClick() processing for menu selections in your custom menus.


SmartPrompt Select Full. (The Business Modeler option is reserved.)

Connection Timeout Warning



Connection Timeout Warning Use the fields in this section to configure the timeout warning feature. These settings affect only traditional portals, not composite portals. For more information about this feature, see More about Portal rules.
Timeout after (mins)

Optional. Enter the length of time, in minutes, a requestor session can remain inactive before the requestor must be re-authenticated.

Warning window (mins)

Optional. For portal rules based on the WorkUser or WorkManager portal (portals having User as the Role and Fixed as the Type), enter a length of time, in minutes, to control when the system presents a warning window. Enter a value less than the Timeout after (mins) value.

At runtime, the system subtracts this value from the value in the Timeout after field. When a requestor is idle for the resulting period, the system presents a modal dialog box containing the following warning message:

Your session has expired or will expire shortly due to inactivity. Click OK to restore your session.

Users can resume the session without supplying authentication credentials.

For example, if the Timeout after (mins) field is 60 minutes and the Warning window value is 5 minutes, the warning message appears when a requestor remains idle for 55 minutes.

For users of portals with Developer as the Role, this field is ignored and has no effect.

Show authentication screen in

SmartPromptOptional. Specify whether user notification of a timeout event (not a warning event) appears in a modal dialog box or a new window.

If your system uses an authentication software product, determine whether the form that the authentication product provides to gather user credentials can function properly in a modal dialog box. If it cannot use a modal dialog box, select New Window.

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