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Components — Modal Dialog

  1. Header 
  2. Body 
  3. Modal Dialog Border  

Styles set here apply to the border of modal dialogs.

Modal Dialog Styles

To preview changes, save the rule and click Run (Run). In the Skin Preview, select the Controls tab and click Open Modal.


Style Preset

Displays the currently selected Style Preset.

Click the magnifying glass () to select a different Style Preset from the Style Preset list.

Use Custom Border

Select this checkbox to define a custom border:

  • same for all sides — clear this checkbox if you want to specify a different border style for Top, Left, Right, and Bottom.
  • Select a border type and specify the pixel width and color of the border:
    none, solid, dashed, or dotted.
rounded corners Select this checkbox if you want the modal dialog border to have rounded corners.

You can select this option when using a Style Preset or a custom border.

Skin rules - Completing the Styles tabSkin rules — Completing the Styles tab
About Skin rulesAbout Skin rules