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Prerequisites and implementation notes

The client (calling) Java program must execute in the same JVM instance as the PRPC server.

This interface operates as a Java process. It does not require the PRPC servlet container (such as Tomcat) to be running and does not depend on the PRServlet servlet.

Client-side development

The Service Universal Resource Identifier (URI) of a Rule-Service-JSR94 rule is typically the name of the rule, defined by three key parts:

[package name].[customer class name].[customer method name]

If the external client application requires that the URIs of the services it calls use some other naming convention, you can register a different URI for the service by using the Alternate URI field on the Service tab of the rule.

Performance statistics

Through changes the prlogging.xml file, you can obtain performance statistics on the execution of services. See Performance tool — Statistics for services.

Through changes to the prconfig.xml file, you can be alerted to unusually long service operations. See How to detect lengthy service operations.

As an alternative to the prconfig.xml file, you can use Dynamic System Settings to configure your application.
See How to create or update a prconfig setting.

Older Service JSR94 rules

OldIn Service JSR94 interfaces created in releases before Version 5.1, the service activity was responsible for parsing the input list and assembling the output list. For new Service JSR94 rules, use the Request, Response, and Exceptions tab for data mapping.

Related topics Unit testing a Service JSR94 rule
How to call PRPC through Java-based services
Standard rules Atlas — Standard Service JSR94 rules

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