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With Automated Unit Testing, you can simplify and increase the speed of unit testing certain aspects of your PRPC applications. As a result, you can be more agile about determining when corrective action is necessary within your development process.

For example, a typical situation has an application with a number of work item types and the flows that process those work items, and subsequent development work makes changes to one of those flows. Those intended changes made to one flow might have unintended impacts on the other work item types and flows of the application. In this type of situation, the ability to efficiently unit test for unexpected results and assess the extent of the impacts is important, so that corrective action can be taken if the new behavior is not desired. Automated Unit Testing provides the ability to quickly discover and address such unanticipated effects.

For examples and additional information, see PDN article 25092 About Automated Unit Testing, which links to additional articles.

 What you can do with Automated Unit Testing

 Obtaining the AutomatedTesting privilege

 Test cases

 Unit test suites

 Test Management Framework

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