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Displaying the report

To quickly access rules checked out by you, select the Checked-out button (Show Checked Out) on the Quick Launch area of the Designer Studio. From the display, you can click a rule's name to open its rule form.

Click the Actions link at the top right to start a bulk check-in operation.

Using the Bulk Check-in report

This display allows you to use a single operation to delete, check in, or open multiple rules that you have checked out. You can also check in rules filtered by Task ID (if you are using the Project Management Framework).

Each row in the display is a checked-out rule in your personal RuleSet. To perform actions on a set of rules, select the checkboxes at the left of those rules' rows, and then select an action from the drop-down list at the bottom of the display. The available actions are: Check In, Open, and Delete.

To perform an action on one rule, right-click its row and select the action from the context menu.

Note: You cannot perform a bulk check-in action for rules that you checked out using the private check-out operation. They must be checked in individually from their rule forms. See Understanding checkout and your personal RuleSet.

To perform a bulk action:

  1. Specify the rules on which you want to perform the action by selecting the checkboxes for their corresponding rows. To perform an action on all checked-out rules, click the Select All link to select all rows. Select Clear all to clear all checkboxes.
  2. Optional: Select a Task ID from the drop-down list to display all of your checked-out rules associated with that task. Select the Resolve checkbox to resolve the task when check in of the rules is complete. If any check-in operation fails, the task will not resolve successfully.
  3. Enter comments for any selected rules that you are checking in (Check In action) or deleting (Delete action). Note: The Delete action deletes the copies of the selected rules that are in your personal RuleSet.
  4. Optional: To use a standard prefix in the comment for each selected rule, enter text in the Bulk Prefix field and click Insert.
  5. Select the action (Check In, Open or Delete) and click Start to apply the action to the selected rules. (The Delete action deletes only the rule in your personal RuleSet, not the original rule.)
  6. Click Start to start the bulk action.

    The system performs the selected action on the selected rules, going from the top of the displayed list. A visual indicator appears to the right of a row when the system is currently operating on that rule.

    If the checked-out rule is from one RuleSet version and the rule exists in a higher RuleSet version, a message displays asking if you want to continue checking into the lower RuleSet version.

    A red X (red X) indicates a warning, such as when the checked-out rule is from a private check out. Refresh the display by clicking Refresh to see which rules you need to examine and handle individually.

After performing a bulk operation, click Refresh to redisplay the current list of checked out rules.

To return to the Show Checked Out display, click Disable Bulk.

Rules checked out by others

To identify rules that someone else has checked out, select > Application > Development > Checked Out Rules and complete the prompts.
Definitionscheck in, check out, personal RuleSet, rule management facility, task
TopicUnderstanding checkout and your personal RuleSet

UpDesigner Studio basics