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Use the Class Inheritance display to present, in a pop-window, a UML-style class diagram identifying a portion of the class hierarchy.

You can use the diagram to review the names of the ancestor classes that the system searches during rule resolution and the order in which it searches them. You also can locate rules, if any, in ancestor classes that a specific rule overrides. Interacting with the diagram, you can quickly open a rule or class form.

Starting the display for a class

To identify ancestor classes to a specific class:

  1. Access the Application Explorer.
  2. Adjust the explorer tree so that the class to be charted appears. The boldface text identifies the class name or its Short Description.
  3. Select the class name or Short Description text. Right-click to access the Application Explorer context menu.
  4. Select the Inheritance menu item.

Starting the display for a rule

Use either of the following approaches to identify rules that a specific rule overrides in ancestor classes.

From the Application Explorer:

  1. Adjust the Application Explorer tree so that the rule to be charted appears, with the Classicon and text that displays the rule name or Short Description.
  2. Select the rule name or Short Description text. Right-click to access the Application Explorer context menu.
  3. Select Related Rules > Inheritance.

From the Designer Studio workspace:

  1. Open a rule form that has an Applies To key part.
  2. Click the Related Rules toolbar button (Related Rules) to access a menu.
  3. Select the Inheritance menu item.

Interacting with the display

See Help: Using the Class Inheritance display.


This tool executes in the context of your RuleSet list. Other users, with different RuleSet lists, may see different inheritance diagrams because they can access classes or rules that you cannot, or you can access classes and rules that they cannot.

NoteDon't confuse this Class Inheritance diagram, which shows the ancestor classes of a single class and the order that they are searched during rule resolution, with the different but similar-looking Class Structure tool, which provides a way to explore relationships among all classes you can access.

Definitions class, directed inheritance, override, pattern inheritance, rule resolution
Related topics About Class rules
Class hierarchy and inheritance — Concepts and terms
About the Class Structure tool
Standard rules Atlas — Standard classes

UpTools — Basic